The Greatest Showman Quotes

P.T. Barnum: [from trailer]No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
P.T. Barnum: Hyperbole isn't the worst crime. Men suffer more from imagining too little than too much.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Charity Barnum: You don't need everyone to love you, Phin. Just a few good people!

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Lettie Lutz: [singing]When the sharpest words wanna cut me down/Gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out/This is brave, this is bruised, this is who I'm meant to be/This is me.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Phillip Carlyle: They come to see you... *Your* crazy ideas, *your* new acts. The unusual...
P.T. Barnum: Well then how about you show them a smile? That'd be unusual.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Anne Wheeler: [singing to Philip]You know I want you/It's not a secret I try to hide/But I can't have you/We're bound to break and my hands are tied.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
P.T. Barnum: [singing]Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited for/Been searching in the dark, your sweat soakin' through the floor/And buried in your bones there's an ache that you can't ignore/Taking your breath, stealing your mind/And all that was real is left behind...

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Queen Victoria: You're even smaller than I imagined!
Tom Thumb: Well you're not exactly reaching the top shelf yourself, sweetheart.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
P.T. Barnum: Hey sweetie, who's that young man over there?
Charity Barnum: Oh that's Phillip Carlyle. A bit of a scandal, they say. His last play was a hit in London.
P.T. Barnum: Play? Pay good money to watch people stand around and talk for two hours and they call *me* a conman.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Phillip Carlyle: I can't just run off and join the circus.
P.T. Barnum: Why not? You clearly have a flair for show business.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Lettie Lutz: You don't get it, Barnum. It's not about the money. Our own mothers were ashamed of us, they hid us our whole lives.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
P.T. Barnum: [hands Phillip his top hat]This is for you.
Phillip Carlyle: What will *you* be doing?
P.T. Barnum: Watch my girls grow up. The show must go on.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
P.T. Barnum: Trust me, they don't know it yet, but they're going to love you.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
P.T. Barnum: P. T. Barnum, at your service. [shakes Tom's hand, then gets down on his knee to his height]
P.T. Barnum: I am putting together a show, and I need a star.
Tom Thumb: You want people to laugh at me.
P.T. Barnum: [smiling]Well they're laughing anyway, kid, so you might as well get paid.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Jenny Lind: It is hard to understand wealth and privilege when you're born to it.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
P.T. Barnum: Where is that singing coming from? [Barnum spots Lettie behind a curtain. She stops singing]
P.T. Barnum: Ma'am, you are... [he pulls the curtain back, revealing Lettie's bearded face. Barnum pauses]
Lettie Lutz: You need to leave, sir.
P.T. Barnum: You are beautiful. You are unique.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Anne Wheeler: Everyone's got an act.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Lettie Lutz: Don't start acting sensible now.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
P.T. Barnum: My father was treated like dirt. I was treated like dirt. My children won't be.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
James Gordon Bennett: I never liked your show, but I always thought the people did
P.T. Barnum: They did. They do!
James Gordon Bennett: Putting people of all Shapes, Sizes, Colours. Putting them on stage together and presenting them as equals, another critic might have even called it a celebration of humanity.
P.T. Barnum: I would've liked that.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
P.T. Barnum: Nothing draws a crowd quite like a crowd.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Phillip Carlyle: They're small minded people.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Young Barnum: How did you get out?
Young Charity: The window.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
James Gordon Bennett: Tell me, Mr. Barnum, does it bother you that everything you're selling is fake?
P.T. Barnum: Do these smiles seem fake? It doesn't matter where they come from. The joy is real.
James Gordon Bennett: So you are a philanthropist?
P.T. Barnum: Well, hyperbole isn't the worst crime. Men suffer more from imagining too little than too much.
James Gordon Bennett: The creed of a true fraud.
P.T. Barnum: Mr Bennett, when was the last time you smiled? Or had a good laugh? A real laugh. A theater critic who can't find joy in the theater. Now who is the fraud?

Movie: The Greatest Showman
[after Barnum becomes 50/50 partners with Phillip Calyle] Phillip Carlyle: The only thing is I don't know how we are ever going to afford a building.
P.T. Barnum: Right. [Long and deep sigh]
P.T. Barnum: We don't need a building. Real estate in Manhattan is a terrible investment. Why, I can get land down by the docks for almost nothing. All we need is a tent!

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Jenny Lind: You are the American. I believe I might have heard of you.
P.T. Barnum: Oh well, If you've heard of me all the way over here, I must have been doing something right.
Jenny Lind: That, or something very wrong.
P.T. Barnum: In the world of publicity there is hardly any difference.
Jenny Lind: I believe those are the words of a scoundrel, Mr Barnum.
P.T. Barnum: A showman, Miss Lind, just a showman. The best on my side of the Atlantic.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
P.T. Barnum: I can't fool the bank into loaning me more money, so... I'm really sorry to disappoint you all.
Tom Thumb: Don't worry, Barnum. We've gotten used to it by now.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
P.T. Barnum: [seeing Jenny for the first time]Who's that?
Phillip Carlyle: The opera singer?
P.T. Barnum: Singer, huh?
Phillip Carlyle: She's the most famous performer in all of Europe. She sold out La Scala a dozen times. Not to mention the French Opera.
P.T. Barnum: Ah. [he grabs Phillip's arm and leads him forward]
Phillip Carlyle: What are you doing?
P.T. Barnum: Following you, so you can introduce me to Ms. Lynd.
Phillip Carlyle: Introduce you?
P.T. Barnum: Yeah.
Phillip Carlyle: I don't know her.
P.T. Barnum: Everybody knows her. You just said so yourself.
Phillip Carlyle: Yeah, exactly. You don't just march up to someone like this.
P.T. Barnum: Why not? We're personable. She's a person.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Charity Barnum: [seeing the house Phineas bought for them]Don't tell me bought this house just to rub my parents' noses in your success.
P.T. Barnum: Well, that wasn't the only reason. This is the life I promised you.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Mr. O'Malley: [showing Phineas one of Bennett's reviews]This is bad.
P.T. Barnum: Criminal. Degrading. A circus. I like circus.

Movie: The Greatest Showman