The Gunman Quotes

[first lines] News Anchor: The Democratic Republic of Congo is the scene of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, according to the United Nations.
News Anchor: In what is being described as the world's deadliest conflict since World War II, millions of people have been killed. Massacres and rape, routinely used as weapons of war, have forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes.
News Anchor: For years, the United Nations and non-governmental organizations, NGOs, have been providing humanitarian relief in an increasingly unstable situation, often requiring the presence of private security contractors to ensure aid worker's safety. The conflict is fueled by the country's vast mineral wealth, with all sides suspected of deliberately prolonging the violence to plunder natural resources such as gold, diamonds, copper, coltan, and other high-value minerals to meet the growing demand of the Western world.
News Anchor: Despite calls for a ceasefire and the presence of UN peacekeepers, a deteriorating humanitarian situation of poverty and corruption jeopardize hopes of a lasting peace and reconstruction of the shattered nation.

Movie: The Gunman
Felix: What do you keep, a diary? A diary of the horror we created? With the blood of all these women and grandpas and all those baby ones, little ones, floating in the river beside their toys. And you keep a diary of that? We have to look forward, Jim. Looking back, all we're doing is fucking and killing like animals. And you know a lot about that, especially about fucking and killing.

Movie: The Gunman
Barnes: Need a light? Mind if I sit down? I think I might have one with you. You ever have one of those days when every law is Murphy's Law? Everything's going wrong and everyone wants to kill you for something. Got some heavy s*** going on up there today.
Terrier: Is that right?
Barnes: Oh yeah, one of the companies in that building got a surprise visit from Interpol. You know Interpol?

Movie: The Gunman
Cox: I can see the company's perspective. You're the last real threat on the table.
Terrier: Then we've got nothing left to talk about.

Movie: The Gunman
Terrier: I hope you don't mind, I gave him your address. He's coming out here and we're gonna go hunting from here.
Felix: Hunting? For what?
Terrier: Whatever's in season. I just need to shoot something.

Movie: The Gunman
Felix: You are our designated trigger, Jim.
Terrier: I had a feeling.

Movie: The Gunman
Cox: You always worry too much, Jim. The past is the past, my friend. Keep your eyes open, my friend. It's the ones who aren't after you that do you in the end.

Movie: The Gunman
Terrier: What do you see in him?
Annie: If a firefighter saves you from a fire, there is a debt.

Movie: The Gunman
Annie: Do you have to go to work today?
Terrier: I've got to grab some stuff then go out to the site.
Annie: Will you work late?
Terrier: I'm hoping not.
Annie: What are you doing over there?

Movie: The Gunman
Felix: You keep a diary of the horror we created? It never happened!
Terrier: That's the way you want to play it with me? You did your part, I did mine. We all find a way to justify it.

Movie: The Gunman
Terrier: We did some bad things. I did some bad things.
Annie: Tell me.
Terrier: We thought we were helping but it didn't work out that way.

Movie: The Gunman
Terrier: I recorded everything. I'm going to throw it out where the world can see it.
Felix: Really? Really?

Movie: The Gunman
Terrier: The company's clearing house.
Stanley: You have to expose them.

Movie: The Gunman
Felix: Jim, we have a surprise for you. She is a remarkable woman, Jim, remarkable.

Movie: The Gunman