The Haunting of Seacliff Inn Quote

Eleanor Lance: I'm still so terrified from last night.
Dr. John Markway: Don't be. It's silly to be...
Eleanor Lance: Silly? You haven't been through it! This horrible unknown thing!
Dr. John Markway: 'Unknown.' That's the keyword. 'Unknown.' When we become involved with an event of the supernatural we're frightened out of our wits just because it's unknown. The night cry of a child. A face on the wall. Knockings, bangings. What's there to be afraid of? You weren't threatened. It was harmless like a joke that doesn't come out.
Eleanor Lance: But the child...
Dr. John Markway: There was no child, remember? Just a voice.
Eleanor Lance: A voice.
Dr. John Markway: Look, Eleanor, put it this way. When people believed the earth was flat the idea of a round world scared them silly. Which is the same with the world of the supernatural. Until we know how it works we continue to carry around this unnecessary burden of fear just because it's unknown.
Eleanor Lance: Supposing it is in my imagination. The knockings, the voices. Every cursed bit of the haunting. Suppose the haunting is all in my mind.
Dr. John Markway: I wouldn't put it that way. We all resist the idea that what ran through the garden the first night was a ghost. What banged on the door was a ghost. What held your hang was a ghost. There is something going on in Hill House. We're getting close, very close to finding out what it is.

TV Show: The Haunting of Seacliff Inn


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