The Loop Quotes

[After Sam, who thinks he's alone, dances and sings in joy because a frame of him helping to close a business deal was hanged on company's wall of fame]
Meryl: Chill out, Sam. It's just a picture. So is this. [shows him an image from her cell phone's camera from when he was drunk in the business deal's meeting]
Sam: Ah, is that you with your hands stuck inside two flesh colored throw pillows?
Meryl: Nope...

TV Show: The Loop
[After Russ laughs about overweight people because a group of obese people demands his airline to accommodate their needs]
Sam: Sir, with all due respect, some overweight people have legitimate thyroid problems, issues with their metabolism and...
Russ: Yeah, we get it. You're a chubby chaser.

TV Show: The Loop
Meryl: Russ... You can't say stuff like that!
Russ: Come on, Meryl. You love to make fun of them. They're fat, they're not Japanese!

TV Show: The Loop
Sam: [on seeing Russ hugging a much younger woman, who one day earlier gave Sam a blowjob in an airplane's toilets] Is that Russ' daughter...?
Meryl: [looking as Russ and the woman french kiss each other]In The Ozarks, maybe. [looks back at Sam] It's his girlfriend...

TV Show: The Loop
[After Meryl keeps slapping Sam's head whenever he mentions that Russ' girlfriend gave Sam a blowjob in an airplane's toilets, and eventually even applys a single arm choke on him]
Meryl: This is the last time I'm gonna tell you - shut your stupid mouth about that!
Sam: Okay, okay...I'm sorry.
Meryl: [frees Sam from the choke] Good. [suddenly smiles in wickedness] Now you slap me.

TV Show: The Loop
[After Meryl tells Sam she liked his business idea]
Sam: Really? You liked that?
Meryl: No, that was a brick. But you're adorable. Now hop in my pocket and I'll feed you some grapes. [squeezes Sam's chin before walking way]

TV Show: The Loop
Ralph Somkin: I'm here, I'm queer, we can do this thing. [pauses for a second] Actually, I'm not really queer. If anything, I'm slightly homophobic.
Sam: [trying to suck up] Yeah, yeah, me too...

TV Show: The Loop
[After Sam tells Russ he plans to submit to him ideas in a joined effort with one of Russ' favorite employees of all time, even though said employee retires in two weeks]
Russ: I can't wait. I may even have to camp out, like I did for Revenge of the Sith. My son has a real pet ball (?) for young Darth.

TV Show: The Loop
Derek: So have a nice meeting with Ralph Somkin - aviation legend. Tell him thanks for business class. It's nice to have a buffer zone between me and the hot dogs of Coach.

TV Show: The Loop
[after Sam locks up Ralph Somkin in his office so Sam could go to the company's meeting alone for Ralph Somkin's own good]
Ralph Somkin: [yells at Sam from within the locked office] What's going on here, kiddo? What are you doing?! What the hell is going on? Are you queer?!

TV Show: The Loop
[After Ralph Somkin's chimp drops down from the air duct tunnels, and walks over the conference table to approach Russ]
Russ: Oh my God, is that a rat?!

TV Show: The Loop
[after Sam apologizes to Meryl for leaving her think tank to join Ralph Somkin's]
Meryl: Am I supposed to say don't worry about it now? Am I supposed to tell you everyone gets seduced by fame at some point? That I was... Mickey Rooney's matress for over 18 months?

TV Show: The Loop