The Monastery Quotes

Brother Joseph-Gabriel: What';s the alternative?
Jonathan Willoughby: Right. No faith isn't much of an alternative. I guess it comes down to are you going to believe in something you can't see feel, hear or touch.
Brother Joseph-Gabriel: Its not scientific proof like e=mc2 you know, but who's going to give their life for e=mc2? Or that we know the world is round and that if I throw that stone in the air its going to fall because of gravity. You're going to give your life to that kind of scientific principle? So what! The really important things, the things that REALLY speak to the human heart, are on this completely different level, completely different dimension. That, yes, in the end demands a leap of faith. And say I don't know if this is... That's why I say you sort of have to be crazy to be a person of faith. You certainly have to ba crazy to live THIS life, because this life makes no sense without faith. You know, we're all a bunch of FOOLS. But on a completely different level we're at the very heart of what it is to be a human person.

Movie: The Monastery
Tom Kramer: I didn't want to live.
Alex Nicoll: At 23?
Tom Kramer: At 23. How old are you now?
Alex Nicoll: 23

Movie: The Monastery
Tom Kramer: Its like that expression, send in the marines? But you just don't send them into a monastery.

Movie: The Monastery