The Mummy Quotes

Izzy: Well that's not good.

Movie: The Mummy
Jonathan Carnahan: Die you mummy bastards. Die.

Mad Dog Maguire: There is no call for bad language.

Movie: The Mummy
Jonathan: I say chaps, look at this. Shrunken heads. I'd love to know how they do that.
[Everybody looks strangely at Jonathan]

Jonathan: Just curious.

Movie: The Mummy
Jonathan: I told you. I told you.

Meela: And your point is...?

Jonathan: My point is, I told you so you wouldn't kill me.

Meela: When did we make that arrangement?

Movie: The Mummy
Jonathan: Step aside, Alex... I'm a professional.

Movie: The Mummy
Laurel: Say, when you were in Egypt, did you happen to see the Eifel Tower?

Hardy: Stanley, The Eiffel Tower is not in Egypt... it's in Indiana!

Movie: The Mummy
Lock-Nah: [about Alex] NOW may I kill him?

Movie: The Mummy
Mr. Burns: [revealing his injuries after meeting 'The Mummy'] He took my eyes!

Movie: The Mummy
Rick O'Connell: I've put down more mummies in my time.

Alex O'Connell: You've killed one mummy, dad.

Rick O'Connell: Yeah! Same mummy. *Twice*!

Movie: The Mummy
Rick: [talking about Alex] I swear that kid gets more and more like you every day.

Evelyn: You mean more attractive, sweet and devilishly charming?

Rick: No. He's driving me crazy.

Movie: The Mummy
Rick: Alex?

Alex: What were you thinking, a mummy had come back to life?

Rick: I'll tell you a story some time.

Movie: The Mummy
Rick: Have I kissed you today?

Evelyn: I hate it when you do that.

Rick: [grins] Why?

Evelyn: It makes me feel like agreeing to anything.

Rick: Anything?

Movie: The Mummy
Rick: Honey, whatcha doing? These guys don't use doors.

Movie: The Mummy
Rick: This is bad, Evy.

Evelyn: We've had bad before.

Rick: This is worse.

Movie: The Mummy
Warden Gad Hassan: [Rick is hanging from the noose] Ha ha! His neck did not break! Oh I am so sorry. Now we must watch him strangle to death!

Evelyn: [after a pause] He knows the location to Hamunaptra.

Warden Gad Hassan: You lie!

Evelyn: I would never!

Warden Gad Hassan: Are you telling me that this filthy, godless son of a pig knows knows the fabled city of the dead?

Evelyn: Yes.

Warden Gad Hassan: Truly?

Evelyn: Yes! And if you cut him down we will give you... ten percent.

Warden Gad Hassan: Fifty percent.

Evelyn: Twenty!

Warden Gad Hassan: Forty!

Evelyn: Thirty!

Warden Gad Hassan: Twenty-five!

Evelyn: Ah! Deal!

Warden Gad Hassan: [giving in] Agh! Cut him down!

Movie: The Mummy
Woman in Bookstore: [This dialog - in an apparent nod and wink to the change of actress for the character from prior films in "The Mummy" series - accompanies the first appearance of Evelyn O'Connell] Mrs. O'Connell, is it true that the Scarlet O' Kiefe character is based on you?

Evelyn O'Connell: No. I can honestly say she is a completely different person.
[... as the camera reveals her face to show that it is Maria Bello - not Rachel Weisz - playing the role]

Movie: The Mummy
[a bunch of mummies start coming out of the ground]

Rick: Who the hell are these guys?

Ardeth Bay: Priests. *Imhotep's* priests.

Rick: All right then.
[Starts shooting]

Movie: The Mummy
[after crashing through London and fighting off the Mummy soldiers]

Rick: You all right?

Ardeth Bay: This was my first bus ride.

Movie: The Mummy
[after crashing through London and fighting off the Mummy soldiers]

Rick: You all right?

Ardeth Bay: This was my first bus ride.

Movie: The Mummy
[Alex has just destroyed a temple]

Alex: Mom, dad, I can explain *everything*.

Movie: The Mummy
[Rick, Ardeth and the others are being pursued by Imhotep's soldier-mummies]

Ardeth Bay: Glad to see me now?

Rick: Just like old times, huh?

Movie: The Mummy
[from trailer]
[stopping a car before throwing the man out]

Rick O'Connell: Whoa whoa whoa. Sorry pal, there's a mummy on the loose.

Movie: The Mummy
[from trailer]

Jonathan Carnahan: [to Rick] You guys are like mummy magnets!

Movie: The Mummy
[from trailer]

Jonathan Carnahan: I hate mummies. They never play fair.

Movie: The Mummy
[Harry sneaks up behind Santo at the shore of the lake]

Harry Knuckles: You didn't hear me approach Santo, what's up with that man ?

Santo: Many years of wrestling with the forces of evil has taught us both the stealth of "el gato."

Movie: The Mummy
[last lines]

Clark Kent: Incidentally, who told you I was at the museum?

Lois Lane: My mummy done told me.

Movie: The Mummy
[Rick, Ardeth and the others are being pursued by Imhotep's soldier-mummies]

Ardeth Bay: Glad to see me now?

Rick: Just like old times, huh?

Movie: The Mummy
Alex: [while Jonathan is fighting Meela] Efday shokran... efday shokran... Uncle Jon! I don't know what this last symbol is!

Jonathan: What does it look like?

Alex: It's a bird - a stork!

Jonathan: [ecstatic] I know that one! I know that one!

Alex: Then what is it?

Jonathan: [struggling with Meela] Ah... Ah...!
[throws her off]

Jonathan: [triumphantly] Amenophus!

Movie: The Mummy
Alex: Are we there yet?

Lock-Nah: No.

Alex: Are we there yet?

Lock-Nah: No.

Alex: Are we there yet?

Lock-Nah: No.

Alex: Are we...
[Lock-Nah stabs his knife right between Alex's fingers]

Alex: Whoa, that was amazing! Perfect aim.

Lock-Nah: What are you talking about? I missed.

Movie: The Mummy
Evelyn: Alex, I'm serious, if you've lost that key, you're grounded.

Alex: I haven't lost it, I just can't find it. There's a difference.

Movie: The Mummy