The Strawberry Blonde Quote

Biff Grimes: I uh, I guess a little kiss is harmless if it's all in fun.
Amy Lind: Even if it isn't in fun.
Biff Grimes: You mean - -?
Amy Lind: Exactly.
Biff Grimes: Well, wouldn't you like a nice, young man to marry you someday?
Amy Lind: No, not particularly.
Biff Grimes: So you don't believe in the institution of marriage!
Amy Lind: An outmoded, silly convention started by the cavemen and encouraged by the florists and jewelers. After all, what's marriage?
Biff Grimes: Wouldn't you like to have a home and kids?
Amy Lind: Certainly I would, but that doesn't mean you have to go through all the...
Biff Grimes: You mean - -?
Amy Lind: Exactly. [she winks]

Movie: The Strawberry Blonde


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