The Super Hero Squad Show Quotes

[the Squad bunks with the Punisher in the Battle Van]
Iron Man: Thanks Punisher, we really appreciate this.
The Punisher: Hmmph, we're nothing by white blood cells, hunting the infection called crime. A sickness that sneaks in through the cracks, the way brussels sprouts sneak onto a plate of delicious macaroni and cheese. Sure, the city looks safe. Just push the bruessels sprouts to one side, right? Wrong! No matter where you put them, their vile, vegetable juices corrupt the whole plate. I'm out here to keep those stinkin' sprouts off the mac & cheese! Keep them from leaving the store in the first place!

Movie: The Super Hero Squad Show
Iron Man: What the heck? Rhodey, is that you under there?
War Machine: How did you know my... Hold up. If you are the real Iron Man, tell me something that only you would know.
Iron Man: You've been dating Squirrel Girl on the down low. Okay, your turn. Prove who you are. Tell me something only Rhodey would know.
War Machine: Uh, you once dated She-Hulk, but it ended when you discovered that she...
Iron Man: Gentleman don't discuss those things.

Movie: The Super Hero Squad Show
Mayor of Super Hero City: The good guys win again. 'Nuff said.

Movie: The Super Hero Squad Show
Mystique: [as Iron Man] For the record, I love Italian food.
Iron Man: Too bad. All you're going to get is jailhouse spaghetti.

Movie: The Super Hero Squad Show
Thanos: See you later, Super Loser Squad. [uses the Space Stone to teleport]
Iron Man: [determined] It's a date, Thanos!

Movie: The Super Hero Squad Show