The Three Stooges Quote

Curly: Hey, Moe! Hey, Larry! Fellas, do something!
Larry: [nervously]Moe, Moe!
Moe: What's the matter with y... [gasps]
Curly: Call 411 [whimpers]
Moe: [to Larry]Quick, help me grab sister M and M before chowderhead crushes her! [bonks to a water retainer, Curly falls on top of her, Mary-Mengele groans]
Moe: [to Curly]You, help out. [to Larry]
Moe: You, grab that bucket, splash some water on her. [metal from the bell hits Mary-Mengele thru the bucket]
Larry: See? I told you there's too much iron in the water.
Moe: Speak to me, sis. Say a few parables!
Sister Mary-Mengele: [dizzy and hallucinating]I saved 15 on my car insurance.
Larry: She seems fine to me.
Moe: Come on, let's go see what Mother Superior wants. [Sister Mary-Mengele's head hits the water retainer]
Moe: [groans]

Movie: The Three Stooges


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