The Venture Bros. Quote

Dr. Killinger: Forgive me, but the problem is one of planning, not one of armament. Mr. The Monarch already has a dazzling armory. What he needs is a strategist. A man of his prestige cannot simply go after an enemy all willy-nilly.
#21: You can't give an enema a free willy what?
The Monarch: Shut up, 21. You might learn something from this guy.
Dr. Killinger: What you need is a second-in-command who understands the intricacies of organized villiany. This I can offer you.
The Monarch: Perfect! You're hired, uh... number...
Dr. Killinger: Number Killinger. Doctor Henry Killinger. And this is my Magic Murder Bag.

TV Show: The Venture Bros.


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