The Venture Bros. Quote

Sovereign: The Council of 13 has reviewed your request and it is denied. You are to commit no acts of vengeance against the Monarch. It matters not that you were dumped. And that's kinda... you know...
Phantom Limb: I understand, Sovereign.
Sovereign: May I suggest you start a journal? There you could pour out your woes upon the tears-stained pages of "dear diary."
Phantom Limb: That is an excellent suggestion, my liege.
Sovereign: Or maybe go jogging with friends.
Phantom Limb: I shall do just that! You honor me, my master.
Sovereign: So I have your word then? No movement on the Monarch?
Phantom Limb: You have my word.
Sovereign: Excellent! Well, I'm glad we got this wrapped up! I've got a wedding to get to... oh, uh... I'm gonna go.

TV Show: The Venture Bros.


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