The Venture Bros. Quote

Giant Boy Detective: Behold! The Ring of Power!! Eons have been waiting for he who can wear the magic and not melt or burst into flames or something...
Dean: Giant Boy Detective! You're real!! Are we gonna solve a mystery?
Giant Boy Detective: No, young'un. We are going to save the kingdom and restore Princess Tinglepants to the throne, then peace shall reign for eternity!
Dean: (unenthusiastic) Oh.. Okay...
Giant Boy Detective: ...And solve a super cool mystery?
Dean: (enthusiastic) Yay!! You're a short giant. Aren't you like 30 feet tall in the books?
Giant Boy Detective: Oh, if you think I'm a disappointment, you should see Clifford. He's, like, the size of one of those little dogs rich ladies drag around. Plus, he's more pink than red. Anyways, the Magic Flashlight shall lead the way!! (flashlight burns out) Stupid fucking enchanted batteries...

TV Show: The Venture Bros.


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