The X Files Quotes

Lyda: The bodies under the floor - maybe that was just some kind of Jungian symbolism. Or maybe... there's a secret lovers' pact.
Mulder: (sighs; smiles) We're not lovers.
Lyda: And this isn't a pure science. But you're both so attractive and there'll be a lot of time to work that out.

TV Show: The X-Files
[Mulder is still dressed, watching TV through the night; there's a knock at the door; he opens it to show Scully, also still dressed.]
Scully: I, uh... I couldn't sleep. I was, um... (sighs)
Mulder: (puts his arm around her shoulders and pulls her in to the apartment) Come in. Aren't you supposed to be opening Christmas gifts with your family?
Scully: Mulder... None of that really happened out there tonight... That was all in our heads, right?
Mulder: (unsure) I-it must have been.
Scully: Mmm. Not that, uh, my only joy in life is proving you wrong.
Mulder: When have you proved me wrong?
Scully: Well... Why else would you want me out there with you?
Mulder: You didn't want to be there?
[She doesn't respond; they both look thoughtful for a moment.]
Mulder: (self-analyzing) Oh, that's, um... That's self-righteous and... narcissistic of me to say, isn't it?
Scully: No, I mean... Maybe I did want to be out there with you.
Mulder: (they look at each other for a moment) Now, um... I know we said that we weren't going to exchange gifts but, uh... I got you a little something. (holds out a present to her - the only wrapped gift shown in the apartment the whole episode)
Scully: Mulder...
Mulder: Merry Christmas.
Scully: Well, I got you a little something, too.
[She hands him his gift, and he chuckles and shakes it. She grins and they run over to the couch to open their presents happily.]

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: (on phone) Mulder, we are supposed to be doing background checks, not chasing X-Files.
Mulder: (on phone) Scully, Spender just round filed this case - it's unconscionable.
Scully: And what do you call rooting through his trash?
Mulder: Like that's any different from the assignment we're stuck with.
Scully: "We," Mulder? I'm stuck with it. You're not here.

TV Show: The X-Files
[Wayne comes out of the house to see Mulder encouraging the three boys to play with his car.]
Wayne: (annoyed) I want those kids out of my car.
Mulder: (cheerfully) Okay, speed racers. That's enough driver's education for today.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mayor: Agent Mulder, welcome to Kroner. I'm Jim Gilmore, the mayor. We spoke on the phone.
Mulder: Nice to meet you, sir.
Mayor: If I'd have known you was bringing the missus, I would've arranged for fancier accommodations.
[Mulder purses his lips, smiles, and looks away as if to say "I'm staying away from that one."]
Scully: (professional) I'm Agent Scully, Agent Mulder's partner. I'm... sure the accommodations will be just fine.

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: Well, sir, if this man Mootz could, in fact, somehow produce rain then what's the crime?
Mayor: I believe Daryl's causing the drought... so he can charge folks for the rain.
Scully: And this is what you told Agent Mulder when you spoke earlier?
Mayor: Yes, ma'am. He seemed real eager to help us.
[Scully looks at Mulder; he tries to look innocent.]

TV Show: The X-Files
Sheila: Oh! We were beginning to worry that you wouldn't make it. Is this your first time in a TV studio? How exciting. I couldn't be happier for the two of you.
Scully: I'm not su-
Sheila: (runs over to get Holman, then brings him back to them) Holman, I'd like to introduce you to the Gundersons.
Holman: (shaking their hands) Congratulations! I hope you have a truly romantic getaway.
Sheila: Aren't you glad you watch Channel Five weather?
Scully: (showing badge) We're Agents Mulder and Scully. We're with the FBI.
Sheila: FBI? Oh, my goodness! I thought you were the "Watch the Weather and Win" contest winners.
Holman: See, we haven't had any rain in months and... well, people tend to blame the messenger.
Sheila: Oh, there's the Gundersons. Over here!
[The Gundersons, an older, plain-looking farm couple come over. They look nothing like Mulder and Scully.]
Mulder: (smiling at Scully) It's like looking in a mirror.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: How do you explain your unique ability?
Daryl: I don't. It's complicated.
Mulder: Try me. I watch the Weather Channel.
Daryl: If you're wondering did I ask for this gift no, sir, I did not, no more than I asked to lose this here limb. But I should've expected it and I'll tell you why. Because I come from a long line of healing people. I'm a spiritual man, in touch... with the really real. The... the unseen real.

TV Show: The X-Files
Hotel manager: Oh, miss, we moved your boyfriend's things into your room.
Scully: He's my partner, and we prefer separate rooms.
Hotel manager: Oh, old-fashioned are you, huh? Well, we're booked solid with the high school reunion. You can take it or leave it.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: Scully, I don't think it's a coincidence that a cow gets hurled at me just as we're down here investigating the weather.
Scully: (checking his scalp and forehead) Mulder, did they check you for head trauma?
Mulder: I'm telling you, that cow had my name on it.

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: (on phone) Mulder, it's me.
Mulder: (on phone) I'm on my way.
Scully: I'm not so sure. Have you looked outside lately? It's pea soup. Our plane can't take off until after this fog lifts.
Mulder: Fog? (looks accusingly at Holman) Holman!
[Holman shrugs.]
Scully: Holman?
Mulder: Yeah... he wants advice. Dating advice.
Scully: Dating advice? From whom?
Mulder: Yours truly. (VERY long pause) Hello? Hey, Scully. Scully, you there?
Scully: I heard you. Mulder, when was the last time you went on a date?
Mulder: (pauses; in a controlled way, one word at a time) I will talk to you later.
Scully: (to herself, after hanging up) The blind leading the blind.

TV Show: The X-Files
Holman: I've been envious of men like you my whole life. Based on your physical bearing, I'd assumed you were... More experienced. I mean... You spend every day with agent Scully a beautiful, enchanting woman. And you two never, uh...? (no response from Mulder) I... confess I find that shocking. I... I've seen how you two gaze at one another.
[Long pause. Mulder puts his arm on Holman's shoulders; they walk toward Sheila's office.]
Mulder: This is about you, Holman. I'm here to help you. I'm perfectly happy with my friendship with Agent Scully.
Holman: So according to your theory I walk in there, tell her I love her and the drought will end?
Mulder: Just tell her how you feel. (Holman starts walking inside) And Holman. I do not gaze at Scully.

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: (about Sheila and Holman) Well, it seems to me that the best relationships - the ones that last - are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is... suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with. (seems to realize she could be talking about herself and Mulder)

TV Show: The X-Files
[All the couples at the reunion are dancing and kissing, including Holman and Sheila.]
Mulder: I didn't know reunions could be so...
Scully: Wet?
[Holman and Sheila approach.]
Mulder: Well, how'd it go?
Holman: You should try it sometime.

TV Show: The X-Files
SKINNER: (voiceover) Every minute of every day we choose. Who we are. Who we forgive. Who we defend and protect. To choose a side or to walk the line. To play the middle. To straddle the fence between what is and what should be. This was the course I chose. Trying to find the delicate balance of interests that can never exist. Choosing by not choosing. Defending a center which cannot hold. So death chose for me.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: What happened today? Anything out of the ordinary?
Skinner: I'm not going to play this game.
Scully: Look, it could've been anything. It could have been the slightest touch, or a handshake.
Mulder: This morning, you woke up...
Skinner: I woke up.
Mulder: Alone?
Skinner: (defensive) Yes. Alone.

TV Show: The X-Files
Tunisian diplomat: (something Arabic and angry)
Mulder: Yeah, so's your mom.

TV Show: The X-Files
Skinner's assistant: (hearing someone going through Skinner's things in his office, opens the door) Sir? Is that you? (sees that it's actually Mulder) Agent Mulder!
Mulder: Hey, do you have the key to this drawer?

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: (looking at hairs from a blonde wig) Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful.

TV Show: The X-Files
[Scully enters Skinner's room at the hospital. He looks very sick, but smiles as she enters.]
Scully: Sir, there's something I'd like to try. It's a treatment called therapeutic plasmapheresis. It requires filtering all of the blood in your body. It's a radical procedure and there is a danger that your body might go into shock.
Skinner: I'm in your hands. (weakly) I think I owe you an apology, Scully. You and Mulder.
Scully: Sir?
Skinner: I've been lying here thinking. Your quest... it should have been mine.
Scully: What do you mean?
Skinner: If I die now, I die in vain. I have nothing to show for myself. My life...
Scully: Sir, you know that's not true.
Skinner: It is. I can see now that... I always played it safe. I wouldn't take sides. Wouldn't let you and Mulder... pull me in.
Scully: You've been our ally more times than I can say.
Skinner: Not the kind of ally that I could have been. (Scully touches his wrist gently)

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: So they're splitting us up, huh?
Scully: (firmly) No.
Mulder: No?
Scully: This is a one-time thing.
Mulder: Who told you that? Obviously, if you do a good job they're not going to stick you back here. (Scully sees Ritter coming in) Right?
Agent Ritter: Agent Scully, we're all set.
Scully: Peyton Ritter, this is Fox Mulder.
Agent Ritter: It's a pleasure to meet you, Fox.
Mulder: (stays seated; polite, but unenthusiastic) A pleasure to meet you... Peyton.
Scully: We should get going.
Agent Ritter: Off to New York.
[The two of them leave; Mulder watches them go wistfully.]

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: (on phone) Scully.
Mulder: (on phone, disguising his voice jokingly) Hi. My name is Fox Mulder. We used to sit next to each other at the FBI. (both smile)

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: (on phone) I don't know what to think. (looks up as Fellig passes her) He's, uh... unusual.
Mulder: (on phone) As in he, uh, plugs up like a cork when you stab him? (looking at an image of Fellig's stab wounds on his computer)
Scully: Mulder, where are you getting this stuff?
Mulder: Well, young man Ritter has been sending progress reports to Kersh. My computer may have inadvertently intercepted a few of those. He's got nice things to say about you, though... mostly. Why don't you let me do a little background check on Fellig for you.
Scully: Mulder...
Mulder: Come on. It's, you know... it's what I do now. I'm getting good at it.
[Scully sighs.]

TV Show: The X-Files
Scully: He's right. Tell me, Ritter, did he have any help concocting that story?
Agent Ritter: (defensive) Look, Fellig is a murderer. Whether or not he did this specific one, I don't care-- not if it buys me a few days in the box with him.
Scully: No judge is going to issue a warrant based on this.
Agent Ritter: No, no, no. I know the judge. We'll have it by noon. (she stares at him in shock, then turns to leave) You know, Kersh warned me about you.
Scully: Uh, he did?
Agent Ritter: Yeah - you and your partner. God knows his reputation precedes him so I guess I should have seen this coming. You muck up my case, and Kersh'll hear about it. Are we clear, Dana?
Scully: (coldly correcting him) Scully. (cell phone rings) And we're done with this conversation.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: (on phone) Hey, Scully, uh, how's that X-File coming? And before you tell me that it's not an X-File...
Scully: (on phone) It is.
Mulder: What happened?
Scully: Alfred Fellig seems to know an awful lot about death.
Mulder: Oh, yeah? Well, that's not surprising, given that he's reached the ripe old age of 149.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: Want to know what L.H. Rice's birthday is? April 4, 1849. I'm not good at math, but I'm figuring that's a whole lot of candles on the cake.

TV Show: The X-Files
[A group of men are in a basketball court playing, including Mulder. He makes a basket; stops when Scully enters the gym.]
Basketball player: (to Mulder) Hey, Milk, let's play ball. (Mulder waits for Scully to walk closer; player is irritated) Yo, Homestyle, cough up the rock.
[Mulder throws the ball over his shoulder; catches it when thrown back and casually makes a basket.]
Mulder: Game.
Basketball player: (shaking his hand) Oh, no, no. Aw, it don't work like that.
Mulder: (joining Scully, ignoring the game) Hey, Homegirl, word up.
Scully: Mulder it's my distinct impression that you just cheated. And that you're not coming in again today.
Mulder: Oh, Scully, I got game.
Scully: Yeah, you got so much game I'm wondering if you have any work left in you.
Mulder: No, I'm ready to J-O-B just not on some jagoff shoeshine tip.
Scully: (VERY small smile) No "jagoff shoeshine tip"?
Mulder: (smile) No background checkin' jagoff shoeshine tip.
Scully: Well, about your J-O-B, Mulder somebody's been trying very hard to reach you by phone. Somebody who wants you back at the FBI ASAP.
Mulder: (more serious) About what?
Scully: About an X-File.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: You looking for work, Agent Spender? 'Cause if you are, I got a whole pile in that middle drawer that I'd love to shove down someone's throat.
Spender: I was just writing you a note. I think you know why I'm here.
Mulder: They found your mother.
Spender: She wants to talk to you.
Mulder: I didn't hear the magic word.
Spender: Look, Agent Mulder, I'm not going to get down on my knees here.
Mulder: Are you asking me, Agent Spender?
Spender: My mother's been gone for almost a year. She turns up in a train car where she's been operated on by a group of doctors who were burned alive. I just want the truth.
Mulder: The truth is out there, Agent Spender. Maybe you should find it for yourself.

TV Show: The X-Files
Cassandra Spender: Agent Mulder?
Mulder: Shh. Shhh. Shhhh.
Cassandra Spender: Oh, my god. (laughing) Oh, my god, I think I'm going to pee the floor.
Mulder: (nervous chuckle) Don't... don't do that.

TV Show: The X-Files
Mulder: (opening voiceover; about Cigarette Smoking Man and his father, Bill Mulder) Two men, young, idealistic - the fine product of a generation hardened by world war. Two fathers whose paths would converge in a new battle - an invisible war between a silent enemy and a sleeping giant on a scale to dwarf all historical conflicts. A 50-years war, its killing fields lying in wait for the inevitable global holocaust. Theirs was the dawn of Armageddon. And while the world was unaware, unwitting spectators to the hurly-burly of the decades-long struggle between heaven and earth there were those who prepared for the end; who measured the size and power of the enemy, and faced the choices: stand and fight, or bow to the will of a fearsome enemy. Or to surrender - to yield and collaborate. To save themselves and stay their enemy's hand. Men who believed that victory was the absence of defeat and survival the ultimate ideology... No matter what the sacrifice.

TV Show: The X-Files