The X Files - Resist or Serve (VG) Quotes

Alvin Kersh: The walking dead? An alien virus? Government Cover-Ups? Your report sounds like the plot of a bad video game.

Movie: The X Files - Resist or Serve (VG)
Dana Scully: Why do I get the impression you're taking me to see a spaceship?
Fox Mulder: It's the hip thing to do because no-one knows about it yet.
Dana Scully: Mulder, this artifact I have holds the key to unlocking every question in the X-Files. What more to you hope to find here?
Fox Mulder: The Truth.
Dana Scully: Well I'm not going to let you do this alone. Ok then, show me a spaceship.
Fox Mulder: I knew you were hip.

Movie: The X Files - Resist or Serve (VG)