Toy Story 3 Quote

Lotso : I didn't throw you away. Your kid did. Ain't one kid ever loved a toy, really. Chew on that when you're at the dump.
Woody : Wait. What about Daisy?
Lotso : I don't know what you're talking about.
Woody : Daisy? You used to do everything with her?
Lotso : Yeah, then she threw us out.
Woody : No, she lost you.
Lotso : She *replaced* us!
Woody : She replaced *you*, and if you couldn't have her, then no one could! You lied to Big Baby and you've been lying ever since! [ Woody pulls out Daisy's tag attracting Big Baby's attention ]
Lotso : Where'd you get that?
Woody : She loved you, Lotso.
Lotso : She never *loved* me!
Woody : As much as any kid ever loved a toy. [ Woody tosses the tag to the other side of the open dumpster. Big Baby picks it up and looks at it ]
Big Baby : Mama. [ Lotso snatches the tag away ]
Lotso : What? You want your mommy back? She never loved *you*! Don't be such a BABY! [ Lotso smashes the tag with his mallet ]
Lotso : Push 'em in! All of them! [ Stretch starts shoving the Toys in the dumpster, then Lotso addresses his cronies ]
Lotso : This is what happens when you dummies try to think! WE'RE ALL JUST TRASH WAITIN' TO BE THROWN AWAY! THAT'S ALL A TOY IS! [ Suddenly, Big Baby lifts Lotso into the air, making him drop his mallet ]
Lotso : Hey, stop it! Put me down, you idiot! [ Big Baby throws Lotso in the dumpster ]
Lotso : AAAAH! No! No, wait a minute, Big Baby! Wait!

Movie: Toy Story 3


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