True Blood Quote

Jason: [sitting in the freezer, really worried] I think I might'a OD'd.
Tara: Oh, my God. On what?
Jason: V.
Tara: You're doin' V now?
Jason: It was my first time.
Tara: Where on earth did you come across V in this town?
Jason: [hesitant] Lafayette.
Tara: My cousin is dealin' vampire blood now? God damn idiot. Well, at least that explains why I walked in on you dancin' around in that Laura Bush mask yesterday, 'cause I gotta tell you, without a reason, that was some fucked up shit! All right, let me see it.
Jason: Huh?
Tara: How long have you had the erection?
Jason: Well, how do you know?
Tara: Um, I read. You're not the first vain-ass, body-conscious ex-jock to overdo the V and wind up with an acute case of priapism!

TV Show: True Blood


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