True Blood Quote

Pam: [handing Sookie a leather outfit] Put these on.
Sookie: Oh, thank you. But I'm fine really. I'm just gonna dry out my hair and be on my way.
Pam: You're not going anywhere. Eric and your boyfriend aren't nearly done talking just yet.
Sookie: Is... Bill is some kind of trouble?
Pam: That's for the boys to figure out. Right now what you need to do is change out of your clothes... there's vampire in your cleavage.
Sookie: [looks down and gasps] Okay. Eeww!
Pam: Allow me. [takes the bloody piece out]
Sookie: Thank you.
Pam: I'm beginin' to understand the fuss everyone's makin' over you.

TV Show: True Blood


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