True Blood Quote

Bill: Longshadow was choking the girl and would have killed her.
Magister: So you murdered a higher life form for the sake of your pet? You broke an ancient and fundamental law. You decreased our numbers at a critical time in our history. Very bad. Very very bad.
Bill: Longshadow broke the law first. She was mine and he knew it. He would have killed her and fed from her!
Magister: Hello! Human! Irrelevant. Happens every day!
Bill: He was stealing from Eric.
Magister: [to Eric] Sheriff?
Eric: Yes, Magister. It's true. Longshadow was a thief and a liar. He was hurting my business.
Magister: The business part. That is a serious offense.
Bill: And it was the human who exposed Longshadow. Would you tell him, Eric?
Eric: The only reason the girl was there was because I called her.
Bill: To protect your wealth!
Eric: To protect my wealth, yes. Magister, she is... valuable.
Magister: Humans exist to serve us. That is their only value.
Bill: There are those among us who think differently.
Magister: Do you question my authority? I am the magister. I was trained in the Inquisition and I am the adjudicator for every vampire territory in North America! As the humans say - the humans that you love more than your own kind - back your shit down!
Eric: Bill.
Magister: You haven't bored me. That works in your favor and you seem to be obedient to your sheriff.
Eric: For the most part... When it matters, yes he is.
Magister: The usual sentence is five years in a coffin, chained with silver. During which time your body will waste to leather and sticks, and you'll probably go insane. However, I'm feeling a bit... creative.

TV Show: True Blood


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