True Blood Quotes

Bill: Sookie, you cannot be frightened of everythin' you don't know in this world.
Sookie: Well my world's openin' up mighty fast! And what I got here may be boring, but it's safe! And after the past couple of nights, safe sounds good about now.

TV Show: True Blood
Woman on the phone: [ranting over the phone] You will go to hell for this!
Adele Stackhouse: Alright, same to you. Bye now.

TV Show: True Blood
Tara: Why didn't you tell me you were going out with Sam?
Sookie: Because it just happened and how did you know?
Tara: Arlene. She works fast.
Sookie: All he did was ask me to the DGD tonight and besides it's in a church. And why shouldn't I? He's perfectly nice, he's got a good job, and he's not a vampire! And why, why do I have to justify this to you?
Tara: I'm entitled to know what my girl's up to, aren't I?

TV Show: True Blood
Sam: Sookie, you have no future with a vampire!
Sookie: They don't die. I've got nothing but a future with one.

TV Show: True Blood
Bill: [awakens, very weak and looks around seeing two bodies] The others?
Lorena: [meekly] They all presented themselves as gentlemen. Blame the war if you like. Proved to be no more than savages once I let them into my home. They deserved no better!
Bill: Am... Am I dying?
Lorena: Oh yes. But I'm not keen to let you go quite so easily. I've waited a long time for a man such as you. [straddles his waist and cuts her neck] Drink... if you do not drink, you will die as certain as I am speakin' to you right now. Do you wish to see your family again? Your wife, your children... you must drink from me.
[Bill drinks with reluctance]
Lorena: Take me in you. Feel me in you. We are together, William. Forever! You are mine!

TV Show: True Blood
Sam: [walking into Sookie's room] She's asking for you.
Bill: [turning from the window] Is there something you want to say to me?
Sam: I want you to stay away from her.
Bill: You know Sookie doesn't take kindly to people making decisions for her.
Sam: [pacing the room] You don't need to tell me who Sookie is... I know who she is. I've know a long time.
Bill: Then you'll also know this neither the time nor the place to... mark your territory.

TV Show: True Blood
Sookie: [about yelling at a neighbor] I shouldn't have lost it like that.
Tara: Don't you feel sorry for yellin' at that snoopy old bitch. She's been stickin' her nose where it don't belong for years.
Lafayette: Say it. I mean, if she talked any more shit she'd be shaped like a toilet.

TV Show: True Blood
Lafayette: [looking at all of the food brought by the town] What the fuck is it with white people and jello? I don't understand.
Tara: What the hell we gonna do with all this?
Lafayette: Toss it. Sookie don't need no bad juju cooking.
Tara: Bad juju?
Lafayette: Way to a man's heart is through his stomach. That shit true as gold. You put some love in your food and folk can taste it. [picks up the cornbread] Smell this. You can smell the fear and nastiness comin' off that cornbread.
Tara: [takes a bit] Tastes just fine to me.
Lafayette: See bitch. You gonna wish you ain't did that. Watch.

TV Show: True Blood
Jason: [chasing her through the cemetery] Sookie... Sookie. Just hold up a sec.
Sookie: Why? So you can hit me again? Go ahead and tell me how it's all my fault. Tell me how you wish it were me in that coffin. I deserve it?!
Jason: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.
Sookie: [taking a step back] Don't touch me.
Jason: I didn't mean to hurt you. You gotta know that.
Sookie: You invited Uncle Bartlett! How could you do that?
Jason: He has a right to be here. I know he and Gran had their problems. But what ever they were, it don't matter no more. That's what family does. We forgive each other.
Sookie: You have no idea what you're talking about.
Jason: Sookie, please... Please. We are all we've got.
Sookie: We've got nothing.

TV Show: True Blood
Tara: [about vampires] Do you think they're capable of lovin' a person?
Lafayette: Who knows what they're capable of.

TV Show: True Blood
Sookie: [Surprised as Bill wipes off the mirror] Wait a minute. I thought you're supposed to be invisible in the mirror.
Bill: We started many of the mysteries about ourselves centuries ago.
Sookie: What about holy water?
Bill: [Climbing into the bath] It's just water.
Sookie: Crucifixes?
Bill: Geometry.
Sookie: Garlic?
Bill: It's irritating. That's pretty much it.
Sookie: [Pause, smiling] Wow. I feel a little weak.
Bill: Of course you do. I fed on your blood. You should take some vitamin B-12 to replenish.
Sookie: Will I need to do that everyday?
Bill: If you don't mind, yes. And no garlic.
Sookie: Is it always like this?
Bill: No, it is not.
Sookie: I never thought I'd be able to...
Bill: I am honored that you chose me.

TV Show: True Blood
Diane: [walking in with Malcolm and Liam, to a patron] Well, hey there sugar.
Malcolm: [to Sam] Get us three True Bloods.
Sam: You all need to go somewhere else. This is a family place. Locals only.
Malcolm: Well, we just closed on a place up the road. So that makes us official citizens of Reynard Parrish. We're the new locals.
Sam: My place, my rules.
Malcolm: Discrimination against vampires is punishable by law in the greater state of Louisiana. Personally, I don't give a fuck. But... I... am... thirsty.
Sam: You are not welcome here.
Diane: [laughing] That shit only works in a private home.
Malcolm: How nice to see you again, Sookie. You are looking delectable as always.
Sam: [to Sookie] You know them?
Sookie: We've met.
Malcolm: Well, well. It looks like little Miss hold out has given up the goods. Brava. Did he leave enough for the rest of us.
Sookie: I am his!
Malcolm: Well, he is not here, is he? And while Bill is away, Malcolm will always play.
Sookie: Do you think for one second I would ever have anything to do with you! I am sure you were trash while you were alive and now you're just dead trash!
Malcolm: I am going to drain you so slowly, you're going to beg me to kill you.
Terry: JIHAD THIS, MOTHERFUCKER! [running at Malcolm and being thrown across the room]
Malcolm: [to Sam] You are a dead man.
Sam: Maybe. But I'm gonna take one of y'all with me.
Sookie: Sam!
Liam: [after grabbing Sam] I'm gonna reach down your throat and yank you inside out by your dick.
Sookie: Hey, leave him alone!
Bill: [entering] Stop this! You're here for me, not them.
Malcolm: W

TV Show: True Blood
Sookie: [describing her vampire experience] It felt like... It felt like every single care or worry or sadness I've ever had was just flowin' out of me and into him. And, yeah it hurt at first. But when I relaxed, it didn't hurt at all.
Lafayette: I was always scared to let him bite me. I don't know, Sookie. I just think that when there's blood involved, a line been crossed.
Sookie: Oh, I definitely crossed a line and glad I did.
Lafayette: Well you go ahead on, hookah with your badass. Good for you. It ain't possible to live unless you crossin' somebody's line.

TV Show: True Blood
Andy: [about their fishing] Bet you didn't do much fishin' in Iraq.
Terry: No fish in the sand, bux.
Andy: No wonder they're so pissed off at us. We got channel cats in Shreveport's putang... I miss this. Gettin' up before dawn, like when we were kids and watch the sun comein' up.
[stops as they see a man running naked through the trees]
Andy: That was Sam Merlotte!
Terry: Yep, I done that before.

TV Show: True Blood
Bill: [showing Sookie where he sleeps] This is where I spend my days.
Sookie: Does anyone ever get in there with you?
Bill: This is not a place for you.
Sookie: So, we can never sleep beside each other?
Bill: No one else knows where I rest.

TV Show: True Blood
Amy: [entering Merlotte's] Intense! All these animals on the wall, it's like a natural history museum.
Jason: Hah! I never noticed them.
Amy: How could you not? Everyone of these animals lived a life full of experiences that we can't even imagine!
Jason: Does that weird you out? We could always go someplace else!
Amy: No, no. Everyone has to eat, right? We are all links on the universal food chain. See, squirrel eats nuts, snake eat the squirrel, gator eat the snake... and we can eat pretty much everything we want. It's the circle of life.
Jason: Jesus Christ! I wanna lick your mind!
Amy: Let's have lunch first.

TV Show: True Blood
Sookie: [as they clean up the dining room] I've been admiring your necklace all day.
Amy: Oh, thanks. It's a lariat. I made it.
Sookie: You make jewelry?
Amy: Easy way to earn extra money. I can make you one if you want.
Sookie: Thanks, but I don't think my boyfriend much likes silver... you know my brother's a dog, don't you?
Amy: Sorry?
Sookie: He's all charm and smiles in the beginning. But the second he gets tired of you, he gonna stop calling. Before you know it, he's off with some other floozie. Not... not that you are one, but trust me. It's as regular as the seasons. You seem like a sweet girl, I don't want you to get hurt.
Amy: You know, I don't think Jason's realized even half of what he's going to be. I wouldn't be so quick to judge. I think you'd be surprised at what he's capable of.

TV Show: True Blood
Sookie: [after they have made love] Doesn't it get old? I mean you've been doing it for over a hundred years. Doesn't it get predictable?
Bill: Not with you it doesn't. You're entirely different. And the beauty and the tragedy of it is that you don't know just how different you are.
Sookie: Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong.
Bill: There's nothing more natural than the act of making love. Who am I to try to change what come naturally to you.
Sookie: But if you could change something...
Bill: I wouldn't change a thing.
Sookie: What's it like to sleep in the ground?
Bill: Well, it's not exactly comfortable. But it is safe. Which if I recall is what the three voice mails required me to be.

TV Show: True Blood
Eric: [after Bill has found him in his bathtub, with soft music playing] I texted you three times... Why didn't you reply?
Bill: I hate using the number keys to type... what are you listening to?
Eric: From my younger days. It's really quite beautiful if you know old Swedish. I have a favor to ask of you.
Bill: A favor or an order?
Eric: Depends on how you look at it... Honestly, did you think you could keep her to your self?

TV Show: True Blood
Bill: [arriving at Fangtasia] You said you wanted to go out tonight.
Sookie: I did not mean Fangtasia! I mean really, all those pathetic people who come here looking for sex with vampires.
Bill: I know. It's despicable.
Sookie: You know what I mean. So what? Five, ten minutes?
Bill: As long as Eric requires us.
Sookie: You mean as long as Eric requires me! Didn't even have the decency to ask me himself.
Bill: You are mine. He didn't need to ask your permission.
Sookie: He cannot check me out like a library book!
Bill: Unfortunately Sookie, he can. Eric is sheriff of Area 5.
Sookie: Sheriff?
Bill: It's a position of great power among our kind. We do not want to anger him. As long as the requests are reasonable, we should accede to his wishes.

TV Show: True Blood
Eric: You killed a vampire, Bill. For a human. What do I do about this?
Bill: What did you have in mind?
Eric: I'll take the girl.
Bill: No!... You can have anyone you want. Why do you want her?
Eric: Why do you want her? You're not in love with her, are you?
Bill: [incensed] Sookie must be protected.
Eric: That sounds like an edict. But it couldn't be, because I would know about that. Admit it... you love her.
Bill: If I had not done what I did, would you have let his disloyalty stand? [about LongShadow]
Eric: Whatever I would have done to LongShadow I would not have done in front of witnesses. Especially not vampire witnesses. Not smart, Bill. Not smart at all.

TV Show: True Blood
Pam: [handing Sookie a leather outfit] Put these on.
Sookie: Oh, thank you. But I'm fine really. I'm just gonna dry out my hair and be on my way.
Pam: You're not going anywhere. Eric and your boyfriend aren't nearly done talking just yet.
Sookie: Is... Bill is some kind of trouble?
Pam: That's for the boys to figure out. Right now what you need to do is change out of your clothes... there's vampire in your cleavage.
Sookie: [looks down and gasps] Okay. Eeww!
Pam: Allow me. [takes the bloody piece out]
Sookie: Thank you.
Pam: I'm beginin' to understand the fuss everyone's makin' over you.

TV Show: True Blood
Jason: [about Eddie] All I'm sayin' is Lafayette didn't have to kidnap him and I'm pretty sure he left with some V.
Amy: Hey! If you wanna make the same arrangement with Eddie as Lafayette, than have at it. This was the only thing I could think of to get you out of blowin' your first vampire.
Jason: You've done this before, haven't you?
Amy: Done what?
Jason: This! Kidnappin' vampires!
Amy: Jason, baby. You're sweet but you've gotta mellow out.

TV Show: True Blood
Bill: [in bed with Sookie after finding the cat dead] Aren't you tired?
Sookie: Every time I close my eyes, I see her face.
Bill: Your cat?
Sookie: Gran. But now that you mention it, Tina's in there too.
Bill: You do know I'm not going to let anything happen to you. That I am here for you, to protect you.
Sookie: What if I don't need to be protected? What if wanting to be protected makes me feel like the helpless little girl I used to be all over again?
Bill: Sookie... all of the things that you need to be protected from, all of the trouble you're in, you are in because of me. So you needing to be protected has nothing to do with you or who you are. All of it is my fault... So why don't you go to sleep and let me be the one to worry about it.
Sookie: Bill, all the trouble I'm in, it's mine. I chose it. I chose it when I chose you.
Bill: Yes, but...
Sookie: Don't you think I wanna blame somebody else? But what happen to my gran and poor Tina is my fault and it's sweet of you to try to take it all from me. But if I let you, I'd be so mad at you, I would never be able to look at you again. And right now your face is the only thing getting me by. So why don't we just leave it on me, okay?
Bill: [pause, accepting] Very well.
Sookie: Night Bill.

TV Show: True Blood
Amy: Hey you. Listen, are you alright?
Sookie: Sometimes I wish I smoked, so you could sneak outside without anybody knowing something's wrong with you.
Amy: Okay. I'm really sorry about your cat.
Sookie: Maybe I shouldn't have come in today.
Amy: Yeah, I was gonna say why did you?
Sookie: I don't know. Maybe cause lately it seems like if I called in sick every time someone I love got murdered, I'd never make it in for a single day of work.
Amy: Don't you think Sam would understand?
Sookie: I guess. But if I went home, what would you do?
Amy: Me? What's it got to do with me?
Sookie: Arlene doing nothin' but showin' off her ring to anybody who will look at it, you be the only one waiting tables.
Amy: Yeah, she's gonna be a handful, that one.
Sookie: Don't you imagine what she was like the first time she got married?... What about you? You ever been married?
Amy: Is this the part where the sister asks what the girls intentions are with her brother?
Sookie: Hm-mm. Cause right now I am all about protecting Jason.
Amy: He misses you, Sookie. He does. Between your grandma passing and what happened afterwords with you.
Sookie: He told you about that?
Amy: He couldn't not. He's a mess about it.
Sookie: Well you wouldn't know it.
Amy: Look, I know what you must think of him and I get why you're mad at him. I do and he loves you. You got people around who love you and all I can hope is that maybe one day I can be counted in among those people.
Sookie: You are way too good for him. You know that, right?
Amy: Of course, I know that. I'm not stupid.

TV Show: True Blood
Bill: Eric, go!
Eric: [to Sookie] Apparently I have to go, but understand this: everyone who claims to love you, your friends, your brother, even Bill Compton, they all gave up on you. I. Never. Did.

TV Show: True Blood
Sam: [to Arlene, about her party] What do you want it took look like?
Terry: A débutante ball.
Arlene: [happily] Hug your neck! You know exactly what I'm talkin' about. [walks off]
Sam : How did you know what she wanted?
Terry: My cousin Portia was a deb, from Shreveport when she turned 18. Every Bellefleur woman has been doin' it since they started to have 'em before the Revolutionary war.
Sam: Must be nice to come from such an old family.
Terry: All families are old, Sam. Some just keep better records.

TV Show: True Blood
Jason: [looking at himself in the mirror] Oh my God, you are even better looking than you were yesterday.

TV Show: True Blood
Bill: Longshadow was choking the girl and would have killed her.
Magister: So you murdered a higher life form for the sake of your pet? You broke an ancient and fundamental law. You decreased our numbers at a critical time in our history. Very bad. Very very bad.
Bill: Longshadow broke the law first. She was mine and he knew it. He would have killed her and fed from her!
Magister: Hello! Human! Irrelevant. Happens every day!
Bill: He was stealing from Eric.
Magister: [to Eric] Sheriff?
Eric: Yes, Magister. It's true. Longshadow was a thief and a liar. He was hurting my business.
Magister: The business part. That is a serious offense.
Bill: And it was the human who exposed Longshadow. Would you tell him, Eric?
Eric: The only reason the girl was there was because I called her.
Bill: To protect your wealth!
Eric: To protect my wealth, yes. Magister, she is... valuable.
Magister: Humans exist to serve us. That is their only value.
Bill: There are those among us who think differently.
Magister: Do you question my authority? I am the magister. I was trained in the Inquisition and I am the adjudicator for every vampire territory in North America! As the humans say - the humans that you love more than your own kind - back your shit down!
Eric: Bill.
Magister: You haven't bored me. That works in your favor and you seem to be obedient to your sheriff.
Eric: For the most part... When it matters, yes he is.
Magister: The usual sentence is five years in a coffin, chained with silver. During which time your body will waste to leather and sticks, and you'll probably go insane. However, I'm feeling a bit... creative.

TV Show: True Blood
Bill: [while he is digging a grave for Jessica, to Pam] Would you leave her alone!
Pam: It's your own fault. You and your insane affection for stupid cows.
Bill: Just go away!
Pam: I wouldn't be here if the magister could trust you.
Bill: I fulfilled the conditions of my sentence! I murdered this innocent girl.
Pam: It was no murder. You drained her blood and gave her yours.
Bill: I fulfilled my loyalty!
Pam: Yes. But you're romantic, you're sentimental. You might do something to keep the little blood bag from joinin' our ranks. I follow my orders. I won't let you stake her before she goes to ground!
Bill: I'm not gonna stake her. I'm gonna set her free.
Pam: You've already set her free. The same as Eric freed me.
Bill: Everyone she's ever known will recoil from her. Everything she has ever loved has been stolen from her.
Pam: Oh please! There's no comparison. You've given that pathetic lump of temporary flesh...
Bill: Jessica!
Pam: The ultimate gift. You're a maker. You're a hero.
Bill: I find myself doubting whether you were ever truly human.
Pam: [smiling] Thank you.

TV Show: True Blood