Up in Smoke Quote

Man Stoner: Hey, hey don't take those, man.
Pedro: ...Wha?
Man Stoner: I almost gave you the wrong ****, man.
Pedro: Hey, man, I already took 'em, man.
Man Stoner: Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo...
Pedro: Hey, whaddaya mean ho ho ho ho ho?
Man Stoner: Oh... HU-WOW, MAN!
Pedro: Hey, what was that ****, man?
Man Stoner: You just at the most acid I've ever seen anybody eat in my life!
Pedro: Hey, man, I never had no acid before, man.
Man Stoner: I just hope you're not busy for about a month...

Movie: Up in Smoke


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