V for Vendetta Quote

V : [ V enters Evey's field of vision as she walks into the Shadow Gallery, directly from the prison ] Hello, Evey.
Evey Hammond : You. It was you.
V : [ quietly ] Yeah.
Evey Hammond : [ gestures behind her ] That wasn't real... Is Gordon - ?
V : I'm sorry, but Mr. Deitrich's dead. I thought they'd arrest him, but when they found a Koran in his house, they had him executed.
Evey Hammond : [ whispers ] Oh God...
V : Fortunately, I got to you before they did.
Evey Hammond : You got to me? You did this to me? You cut my hair? You tortured me? You tortured me! Why?
V : You said you wanted to live without fear. I wish there'd been an easier way, but there wasn't. [ Evey whispers, "Oh my God...? ]
V : I know you may never forgive me... but nor will you understand how hard it was for me to do what I did. Every day I saw in myself everything you see in me now. Every day I wanted to end it, but each time you refused to give in, I knew I couldn't.
Evey Hammond : You're *sick*! You're *evil*!
V : *You* could've ended it, Evey, you could've given in. But you didn't. Why?
Evey Hammond : Leave me alone! I *hate* you!
V : That's it! See, at first I thought it was hate, too. Hate was all I knew, it built my world, it imprisoned me, taught me how to eat, how to drink, how to breathe. I thought I'd die with all my hate in my veins. But then something happened. It happened to me... just as it happened to you.
Evey Hammond : Shut up! I *don't* want to hear your lies!
V : Your own father said that artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie. But because you believed it, you found something true about yourself.
Evey Hammond : No.

Movie: V for Vendetta


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