Volume 2 Quote

[Strong Bad and The Cheat have stolen the King of Town's crown, but he doesn't know that, only that his crown was stolen. He goes to Bubs to explain. Bubs and Coach Z writing out a sketch of the thief for the king]
Bubs: So, describe to me what the perpetrator looked like.
The King of Town: Had a head like a big ol' round ol'...
Bubs: Okay.
The King of Town: ...red ol'...
Bubs: Uh-huh.
The King of Town: ...nasty ol' egg.
Bubs: I see.
The King of Town: And hands looked like biscuit dough.
Bubs: Uh-huh. Is this the man? [Bubs shows the king the police sketch. But the perpetrator looks nothing like Strong Bad; instead, it looks more like a guy in a sweater with the number 7 on it with biscuit-dough hands and a craggy face]
Coach Z: It was Biscuit-Dough-Hands Man! I knew it!

Movie: Volume 2


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