Weird Science Quote

[Chet finds out that the house is a mess and his room is snowing. He blasts the door to his sister's room where Wyatt are Hilly were sleeping]
Wyatt: Hi Chet.
Chet: [Grabs Wyatt] What the hell is going on around here?
Wyatt: It was an accident Chet.
Chet: An accident? An accident? Do you realize it's snowing in my room goddammit!
Wyatt: It's weird Chet. It's really weird Chet.
Chet: It doesn't take a genius to figure that out monkey dick. Start talking little man.
Wyatt: It's a really long story Chet. Gary and I were messing around with the computer Friday night. We decided to make a woman and we did and she went crazy and she messed up the whole house.
Chet: Don't smart mouth me you wormy little ****! [Places Wyatt in a neck hold]
Hilly: Look just leave him alone!
Chet: Stay out of this bimbo! It's a family matter.
Wyatt: Look Chet. Find Lisa. She'll clear up everything. [Chet tightens his grip on Wyatt]
Wyatt: You can have my college money. And my social security, Chet. [Chet releases Wyatt]

TV Show: Weird Science


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