Wishbone Quotes

Principal Leonard: No, Wishbone. You can't go to school.
Wishbone: Wha-? No, uh... I'm a 4th-grader here, really! Hey, don't let the dog suit fool you; I'm just practicing for the school play. Hey, open up! Mark my words: someday, I *will* eat lunch in school!

Movie: Wishbone
Wishbone: [while Joe is going through his shirts] I like that one. [Joe tosses a shirt on the bed]
Wishbone: That's a good color. [Joe tosses a shirt on Wishbone's head]
Wishbone: This one smells funny.

Movie: Wishbone
Wishbone: Feed the dog. Feeeeeeed the dooooogggg.

Movie: Wishbone
Wishbone: Wanda, are you home? [silence]
Wishbone: Oh, good. [starts digging up yard]

Movie: Wishbone
Wishbone: Y'know, every so often, even heroes need help!

Movie: Wishbone
Wishbone: [as Ali Baba, while bandits rapidly approach the treasure cave] Let's see... bandits all around... but I'm not a quitter. I'm not a quitter, but I *am* leaving. I am *so* leaving!

Movie: Wishbone