X-Men: Days of Future Past Quotes

Blink: Time's up!

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Charles Xavier: [to Raven/Mystique]I'm going to keep you safe. I'm going to keep you out of their hands. [Erik uses his power to draw a gun to his hand which he aims at Raven]
Raven: Erik?
Charles Xavier: Erik... what are you doing?
Erik Lehnsherr: Securing our future. Forgive me, Mystique. As long as you're out there, we'll never be safe.
Hank McCoy: Erik...
Raven: Use your power, Charles. Stop him.
Charles Xavier: I...
Raven: He can't. [She flees. Hank dives at Erik causing him to release the gun, but he uses his powers to pull the trigger anyway. She leaps out the window, but Erik curves the bullet's trajectory to hit her in the right calf, embedding it there]

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Magneto: Charles, are you sure this will work?
Professor X: I have complete faith in him.
Magneto: It's not him I'm worried about. It's us. We were younger, more brash. We didn't know any better.
Professor X: We will now.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Magneto: Charles, this might actually work.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Logan: We're gonna need Magneto...
Charles Xavier: That man is a monster! He is held hundred floors beneath THE most heavily guarded building in the world.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Logan: If you had your powers you'd know I was telling the truth.
Charles Xavier: How do you know I don't have... [pause]
Charles Xavier: Who are you?
Logan: I told you.
Charles Xavier: Are you CIA?
Logan: No.
Charles Xavier: Have you been watching me?
Logan: I know you, Charles. We've been friends for years. I know your powers came when you were nine. I know you thought you were going crazy when it started; all the... voices in your head, and it wasn't until you were 12 that you realized the voices were in everyone else's head. Do you want me to go on?
Charles Xavier: I never told anyone that.
Logan: Not yet, no, but... you will.
Charles Xavier: All right, you've piqued my interest. What do you want?
Logan: We have to stop Raven. I need your help. We need your help.
Charles Xavier: [emotional]I think I'd like to wake up now... [walks away]
Hank McCoy: [to Logan]What does she have to do with this?

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
[deleted scene] Charles Xavier: [to Raven]You'd be giving Trask exactly what he wants, a reason for humanity to fear and hate us...
Raven: You think they need a reason? [turns blue]
Raven: Do you honestly think they'll ever be able to see me like this, and feel anything but fear? YOU can't even look at me!

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
[in ancient Egypt, a young boy assembles a pyramid in mid-air] Crowd: [kneels and chants]En Sabah Nur! En Sabah Nur! En Sabah Nur! En Sabah Nur!

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
[deleted scene] Raven: [to Charles]I don't blame Erik for trying to kill me. I would have done the same thing.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Senator Brickman: [to Trask]We can't support a weapon that targets our own citizens. If these Mutants as you describe are living here, they are living here peacefully!

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
[facing an onslaught of Sentinels] Bishop: We can't stop that many!
Storm: No. But we can slow them down!

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Bolivar Trask: Sentinels that transform. Can you imagine the possibilities?

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Professor X: Raven was a dear friend of mine...
Kitty Pryde: What happened? [Magneto takes a quick look at the Professor]
Professor X: I drove her away.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
[deleted scene] Raven: [to Charles]I can hide, like you. But what about the ones who can't? I saw them in Vietnam. It's hard to hide your powers when you're getting shot at. The ones who couldn't hide, became lab rats for Trask!

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
[Charles stumbles and grabs his head] Logan: You okay?
Charles Xavier: [points at his legs]When this goes... this comes back! [points at his head]

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
[deleted scene][Logan's body is fished out of the Potomac river] Cop: What name should we give him, sir?
Maj. Bill Stryker: Just put down X.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Pinstripe Mafioso: You were supposed to guard the boss's daughter, not screw her!
Logan: I didn't do sleep with her!... Okay I slept with her many times.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Bobby: You won't have much time in the past, the Sentinels will find us. They always do.
Kitty Pryde: And this time we won't be able to run, we'll have no escape. This is our last chance.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Bolivar Trask: [takes out a folder at Congress]This was acquired from our friends in the CIA. It's a dissertation written by a mutant at Oxford University and I quote: To Homo Neanderthalensus, his mutant cousin Homo Sapiens, which is us, was an aberration. The arrival of the mutation human species, Homo Sapiens, was followed by the immediate extinction of their less evolved kin. Well, now WE are the Neanderthal.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
[deleted scene][Magneto and Iceman find Rogue in a laboratory being experimented on] Magneto: [to scientists]I've been on that slab before. Let me show you how it feels!

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Pietro Maximoff: [outside Xavier's plane]I saw your flight plan in the cockpit. Why are you going to Paris? [Hank and Charles exchange amused glances]

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
[the Sentinels come on] Bolivar Trask: [to Stryker]What the hell are you doing? I didn't tell you to activate them!
Maj. Bill Stryker: I didn't. [Magneto appears]

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
[deleted scene][in the aftermath of the assassination attempt] President Nixon: I would have questions that need to be answered. I think we now know some of these mutants are on our side. Take Trask into custody.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Charles Xavier: Hank... could you help me upstairs? [Hank gets Charles to his wheelchair]
Hank McCoy: Are you sure about this?
Charles Xavier: Absolutely not.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Logan: You have any good news?
Kitty Pryde: Well, you don't really age so you'll pretty much look the same.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Logan: [sees young Xavier for the first time]You can walk?
Charles Xavier: Aren't you the clever one.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Raven: I have compassion... just not for Trask. He's murdered too many of us.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
President Nixon: Fuck me!

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Charles Xavier: You must think me so foolish. We've always said they would come after us.
Erik Lehnsherr: I never imagined they'd use Raven's DNA to do it.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Kitty Pryde: [In a deleted scene]Where's Bobby?
Rogue: I'm sorry, Kitty. [as Kitty weeps, Rogue moves over and absorbs her power, leaving her on the ground, weakened. Rogue takes over using her powers on Wolverine]
Rogue: Hello, Logan.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past