YuYu Hakusho Quote

Botan: "Kuwabara's so loyal to his friends; I'll have to make a note."
Yusuke: [mocking Botan] "Oh yes, he's so brave." [normally] "You just wait, Botan. This little promise of his won't last for long."
Botan: "You don't think that Kuwabara--"
Yusuke: "Huh?"
[the pair see Akashi trailing Kuwabara on his way home]
Akashi: "Those boys should be arriving any minute now."
Yusuke: "Mr. Akashi? Gee, doesn't this guy have a life besides tormenting kids?"
[the three punks from Kazenaga accost Kuwabara]
Kazenaga Punk 1: "Kuwabara, we've been waiting!"
Kuwabara: "Now's really not the time!" [starts running away]
Kazenaga Punk 1: "What is this, Kuwabara? Are you actually running away like a sissy?"
Kuwabara: [stopping and turning to face them] "Oh, no. I'm not goin' anywhere!"
Kazenaga Punk 2: "He does have the guts to face us without his slave boys!"
Kazenaga Punk 1: "Especially with the ass-kicking we're about to give him!"
Kuwabara: [running back over to them] "Talk all you want! Let's see what you can do!"
Yusuke: "See? What'd I tell ya?"
Botan: "Hmm..."
Akashi: [laughing] "It couldn't be more perfect!"
Kuwabara: "But I'm not gonna fight back, so you just hit me as much as you're gonna and let me get out of here!"
Yusuke and Akashi: "What did he say?!"
Botan: [admiringly] "He's so cool!"
[the three thugs from Kazenaga clobber Kuwabara without resistance]

TV Show: YuYu Hakusho


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