Esq. Gary Francione Quotes

Esq. Gary Francione Quotes. Below is a collection of famous Esq. Gary Francione quotes. Here you can find the most popular and greatest quotes by Esq. Gary Francione. Share these quotations with your friends and family.

'To use animal welfare reforms as a 'springboard into animal rights' has the new welfarists chasing their tails to decrease pain/ suffering which are permitted in virtually unlimited amounts and in virtually unlimited ways as long as there is an identifiable human 'benefit'. This is what 'institutionalized animal exploitation' means: ANY ANIMAL INTEREST, HOWEVER FUNDAMENTAL, MAY BE SACRIFICED IN ORDER TO SERVE HUMAN INTEREST, HOWEVER TRIVIAL. We must ensure that incremental changes attack the big problem - the property status of animals.'

By Esq. Gary Francione