Jacques Chirac Quotes
Jacques Chirac Quotes. Below is a collection of famous Jacques Chirac quotes. Here you can find the most popular and greatest quotes by Jacques Chirac. Share these quotations with your friends and family.
I heard and I understood your call so that the Republic lives, so that the nation rallies together, so that politics change,
By Jacques Chirac
I am convinced that, in view of the political and technological evolution of humanity, a major power will by necessity be democratic,
By Jacques Chirac
I absolutely share the feelings of President Clinton that there can be no economic development aid to a regime which is not democratic,
By Jacques Chirac
a man of courage and conviction who has incarnated, for 40 years, the fight of Palestinians for the recognition of their national rights.
By Jacques Chirac
[President Jacques Chirac ordered his government today to build more subsidized housing and to draw up a renovation plan for the most rundown apartment buildings in Paris.] Faced with this situation we must act, ... We urgently must ensure the safety of people living in precarious housing.
By Jacques Chirac