John C. Calhoun Quotes
John C. Calhoun Quotes. Below is a collection of famous John C. Calhoun quotes. Here you can find the most popular and greatest quotes by John C. Calhoun. Share these quotations with your friends and family.
The Government of the absolute majority instead of the Government of the people is but the Government of the strongest interests; and when not efficiently checked, it is the most tyrannical and oppressive that can be devised.
By John C. Calhoun
The surrender of life is nothing to sinking down into acknowledgment of inferiority.
By John C. Calhoun
Our well-founded claim, grounded on continuity, has greatly strengthened, during the same period, by the rapid advance of our population toward the territoryits great increase, especially in the valley of the Mississippias well as the greatly increased facility of passing to the territory by more accessible routes, and the far stronger and rapidly-swelling tide of population that has recently commenced flowing into it.
By John C. Calhoun
I never know what South Carolina thinks of a measure. I never consult her. I act to the best of my judgment, and according to my conscience. If she approves, well and good. If she does not, or wishes any one to take my place, I am ready to vacate. We are even.
By John C. Calhoun
A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various and powerful interests, combined into one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in the banks.
By John C. Calhoun