Astrid Fonseca: You're sweet.
Deputy Rico Amonte: Thanks. My mom used to say that.

Movie: 10
Dan Evans: I ain't stubborn.
Ben Wade: Excuse me?
Dan Evans: You said I was stubborn, for keeping my family on a dying ranch. It's my son, Mark. The young one. He got tuberculosis when he was two. Doctor said he would die if he didn't have a dry climate, so...
Ben Wade: [interrupting] Why are you tellin' me this?
Dan Evans: I don't know. I guess I just... wanted you to know that I ain't stubborn, is all. [both start laughing]

Movie: 10
Him: The director is so young he hasn't even been born yet.

Movie: 10
John Reginald Christie: Tim, I dislke this business as much as you do. Just I happen to have picked up this knowledge while I was in training as a doctor before the war.
Timothy John Evans: I didn't know you did all this medical stuff.

Movie: 10
Kat Stratford: Remove head from sphincter, then drive!

Movie: 10