3 -10 to Yuma Quotes

Ben Wade: Is the marshal around?
Emmy: He's in his office.
Ben Wade: Well, you tell him that the coach from Contention was help up. We passed it on the way in. They don't have any horses. Didn't you hear what I said?
Emmy: Yeah, I heard.
Ben Wade: Well, why don't you tell him.
Emmy: Well, the marshal takes his nap between one and two.

Movie: 3 -10 to Yuma
Dan Evans: You say one more word, and I'll cut you down right here.
Ben Wade: I like this side of you, Dan.

Movie: 3 -10 to Yuma
Mrs. Alice Evans: What if you went into town and borrowed the money?
Dan Evans: You know I hate to go begging for help.
Mrs. Alice Evans: Borrowing isn't begging.

Movie: 3 -10 to Yuma
[from trailer]
Ben Wade: So, boys - where we headed?
Byron McElroy: Taking you to the 3: 10 to Yuma day after tomorrow.
Tucker: Should'nt've told him that.
Ben Wade: Relax, friend. Now if we get separated, I'll know where to meet up.

Movie: 3 -10 to Yuma
[Potter is getting ready to go and join the posse who have gone after the stage robbers]
Alex Potter, town drunk: Ain't cha gonna help catch 'em?
Ben Wade: Ah, wish I could.
Alex Potter, town drunk: What'd they look like?
Ben Wade: Oh, they'll be easy to catch. That's three big men on three white horses.
Alex Potter, town drunk: [as he starts to ride off] Three white fellas... on three big horses, huh?

Movie: 3 -10 to Yuma
[Dan returns to his ranch after seeing the stage hold-up]
Mrs. Alice Evans: Well, I'm glad you're back safe. Heavens, anything could have happened.
Dan Evans: Well, there was no danger... not to us, anyway.
Mrs. Alice Evans: It just seems so terrible.
Dan Evans: Why? What's terrible?
Mrs. Alice Evans: Nothing.
Dan Evans: What's the matter?
Mrs. Alice Evans: Nothing. It seems terrible that something bad can happen and all anybody can do is stand by and watch.
Dan Evans: Lots of things happen where all you can do is stand by and watch.

Movie: 3 -10 to Yuma