Aladdin Quotes

Iago: Ladies and gentlemen, a warm Agrabah welcome for Sorcerer Jafar!

Jafar: Now where were we? Ah, yes - abject humiliation!
[He zaps Jasmine and the Sultan with his staff, and they both bow to him. Rajah comes running at him. He zaps Rajah, and the tiger turns into a kitty-cat]

Jafar: Down, boy! Oh, princess,
[lifts Jasmine's chin with his staff]

Jafar: there's someone I'm dying to introduce you to.

Aladdin: [Flying towards him on carpet] Jafar! Get your hands off her!

Jafar: [zaps Aladdin, Carpet flies away. Singing] Prince Ali, yes, it is he, but not as you know him. Read my lips and come to grips with reality
[brings Aladdin and Jasmine closer in the air]

Jafar: Yes, meet a blast from your past, whose lies were too good to last! Say hello to your precious Prince Ali!
[zaps Ali back to Aladdin as he says it]

Iago: Or should we say Aladdin?

Princess Jasmine: [shocked] Ali

Aladdin: Jasmine, I tried to tell you.

Jafar: [still singing] So Ali turns out to be merely Aladdin
[turns Abu back to his normal self]

Jafar: Just a con, need I go on? Take it from me his personality flaws give me adequate cause to send him packing on a one-way trip
[sends Aladdin and Abu in a pillar, carpet flies in after the,]

Jafar: so his prospects take a terminal dip his assets frozen, the venue

TV Show: Aladdin
Iago: Ladies and gentlemen, a warm Agrabah welcome for Sorcerer Jafar!

Jafar: Now where were we? Ah, yes - abject humiliation!
[He zaps Jasmine and the Sultan with his staff, and they both bow to him. Rajah comes running at him. He zaps Rajah, and the tiger turns into a kitty-cat]

Jafar: Down, boy! Oh, princess,
[lifts Jasmine's chin with his staff]

Jafar: there's someone I'm dying to introduce you to.

Aladdin: [Flying towards him on carpet] Jafar! Get your hands off her!

Jafar: [zaps Aladdin, Carpet flies away. Singing] Prince Ali, yes, it is he, but not as you know him. Read my lips and come to grips with reality
[brings Aladdin and Jasmine closer in the air]

Jafar: Yes, meet a blast from your past, whose lies were too good to last! Say hello to your precious Prince Ali!
[zaps Ali back to Aladdin as he says it]

Iago: Or should we say Aladdin?

Princess Jasmine: [shocked] Ali

Aladdin: Jasmine, I tried to tell you.

Jafar: [still singing] So Ali turns out to be merely Aladdin
[turns Abu back to his normal self]

Jafar: Just a con, need I go on? Take it from me his personality flaws give me adequate cause to send him packing on a one-way trip
[sends Aladdin and Abu in a pillar, carpet flies in after the,]

Jafar: so his prospects take a terminal dip his assets frozen, the venue chosen is the ends of the earth,
[sends the pillar in the air]

Jafar: whoopee! So long,

Iago: Go

TV Show: Aladdin
"Popeye/Aladdin: A wish?
[Under his breath]
Popeye/Aladdin: Wish, wish, I can have a wish huh?
Popeye/Aladdin: Well I wish I was out of here. Can you shows me the entrance to the exit?

Genie: You bet.
[Makes a giant hole in the wall of the cave that has an escalator leading out]
Popeye/Aladdin: Wow, an escalavator.

TV Show: Aladdin
Aladdin: You know mother, I kind of wonder why the sultan's going through all this trouble to stop everyone from seeing what his daughter looks like.

Aladdin's mother: Aladdin, don't even think about it.

Aladdin: I know, I know. Death beneath the hoofs of stampeding camels, blah, blah, blah.

TV Show: Aladdin
Aladdin: Princess Jasmine, you're very...

Genie: Wonderful! Magnificent! Glorious!... Punctual!

Aladdin: Punctual!

Princess Jasmine: Punctual?

Genie: Sorry.

Aladdin: Uh... uh... beautiful!

Genie: Nice recovery.

TV Show: Aladdin
Woman: Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we, Aladdin?

Aladdin: Trouble? No way. You're only in trouble if you get caught.

Razoul: Gotcha!

Aladdin: I'm in trouble.

TV Show: Aladdin
Jafar: You little fool. You thought you could defeat the most powerful being on Earth.

Iago: Squeeze him, Jafar. Squeeze him like a...
[the Genie slaps Iago into the air]

Jafar: Without the genie, boy, you're nothing.

Aladdin: The genie. The genie! The genie has more power than you'll ever have.

Jafar: What?

Aladdin: He gave you your power. He can take it away.

Genie: Al, what are you doing? Why are you bringing me into this?

Aladdin: Face it, Jafar. You're still just second best.

Jafar: You're right. His power does exceed my own. But not for long.

Genie: The boy is crazy. He's a little punch-drunk. One too many hits with the snake.

Jafar: Slave, I make my third wish. I wish to be an all-powerful genie.

Genie: All right. Your wish is my command. Way to go, Al.

TV Show: Aladdin
Aladdin: So, three wishes. I want them to be good... what would you wish for?

Genie: Me? No one's ever asked me that before. Well, in my case... ah, forget it.

Aladdin: What?

Genie: No, I can't. I...

Aladdin: Come on, tell me.

Genie: [sigh] Freedom.

TV Show: Aladdin
[Abu goes crazy and leaps onto Aladdin's head]

Aladdin: Abu, this is no time to panic!
[sees that they're about to hit a wall]

Aladdin: Start panicking!

TV Show: Aladdin
Aladdin: Princess Jasmine, you're very...

Genie: Wonderful! Magnificent! Glorious!... Punctual!

Aladdin: Punctual!

Princess Jasmine: Punctual?

Genie: Sorry.

Aladdin: Uh... uh... beautiful!

Genie: Nice recovery.

TV Show: Aladdin
[as a female tour guide]

Genie: Thank you for choosing Magic Carpet for all your travel needs. Don't stand until the rug has come to a complete stop. Thank you. Goodbye, now. Goodbye. Goodbye, thank you. Goodbye.
[back to normal]

Genie: Well, how about *that*, Mr. Doubting Mustafa?

Aladdin: Oh, you sure showed me. Now about my three wishes...

Genie: Dost mine ears deceive me? Three? You are down by one, boy!

Aladdin: Ah, no, I never actually wished to get out of the cave. Heh. You did that on your own.
[the Genie's mouth drops]

Genie: Oh. Well I feel sheepish.
[turns into a sheep]

Genie: All right, you baaaaaad boy. But no more freebies.

TV Show: Aladdin
Princess Jasmine: Father, I choose Prince Ali!

Jafar: Prince Ali left!
[shows Aladdin standing in the doorway to the balcony]

Aladdin: Better check your crystal ball again, Jafar!

Princess Jasmine: Prince Ali!

Iago: How in the he -
[back to parrot-ese]

Iago: - uh, awk!

TV Show: Aladdin
Aladdin: Genie, I wish for your freedom.

Genie: One bona fide prince pedigree coming up. I - what?

Aladdin: [He holds the lamp up to Genie] Genie, you're free!

TV Show: Aladdin
[Princess Jasmine is in disguise, and hanging out with Aladdin; the guards capture him]

Princess Jasmine: Let him go.

Razoul: Looky here, men. A street *mouse*.
[throws her down]

Princess Jasmine: Unhand him,
[pulls off the hood of her cloak]

Princess Jasmine: by order of the Princess.

Razoul: Princess Jasmine.

Aladdin: The Princess?

Razoul: What are you doing outside the palace? And with this street rat?

Princess Jasmine: That's not your concern. Do as I command. Release him.

Razoul: Well, I would, Princess, except that my orders come from Jafar. You'll have to take it up with him.

Princess Jasmine: Believe me, I will.

TV Show: Aladdin
Aladdin: Where is my father?

The Magic Oracle: [points off into the distance] Follow the trail of the Forty Thieves. Your father is trapped within their world.

TV Show: Aladdin
Aladdin: Wow. The palace looks pretty amazing, huh?
Princess Jasmine: [disappointed] Oh, it's wonderful.
Aladdin: I wonder what it'd be like to live there, and have servants and valets.
Princess Jasmine: Oh, sure. People who tell you where to go and how to dress.
Aladdin: That's better than here. You're always scraping for food and ducking the guards.
Princess Jasmine: You're not free to make your own choices.
Aladdin: Sometimes you feel so...
Princess Jasmine: You're just...
Aladdin, Princess Jasmine: ...trapped.

TV Show: Aladdin
Aladdin: There's gotta be a way out of here. On the other hand, maybe there isn't. On the other hand, no, that's- that's three hands, that doesn't work.

TV Show: Aladdin
Genie: Three. Uno, dos, tres. No substitutions, exchanges or refunds.

TV Show: Aladdin
Iago: Allow me to introduce...
[Cassim laughs]

Cassim: The King of Thieves.
[Genie shrieks, then calls on a cell phone]

Genie: All units, we have a Code Red.

TV Show: Aladdin
Nefir Hasenuf: The ancient prophecies have been fulfilled!
Iago: Oh, oh. Ancient prophecies never predict anything good.

TV Show: Aladdin
Princess Jasmine: It all so magical.
Aladdin: Yeah.
Princess Jasmine: It's a shame Abu had to miss this.
Aladdin: Nah. He hates fireworks, and he really doesn't like flying either... That is, um... Oh, no.
Princess Jasmine: [takes off Aladdin's turban] You are the boy from the market place. I knew it! Why did you lie to me?
Aladdin: Jasmine, I'm sorry!
Princess Jasmine: Did you think I was stupid?
Aladdin: No!
Princess Jasmine: Did you think I wouldn't find out?
Aladdin: No! I mean, I was hoping you wouldn't... that's not what I meant...
Princess Jasmine: Who are you? Tell me the truth.
Aladdin: The truth? The truth... The truth is I sometimes pass myself off as a commoner to escape the pressures of palace life. But I really am a prince.
Princess Jasmine: Why didn't you tell me?
Aladdin: Well, a prince walking around the marketplace? Sounds a little strange, doesn't it?
Princess Jasmine: Not that strange.

TV Show: Aladdin
[Cassim has not showed up at the wedding]

Aladdin: Where IS he?
[Genie changes into Pumbaa from the Lion King]

Genie: Hakuna Matata.
[Changes back]

Genie: WHOA. I was having an out-of-movie experience.

TV Show: Aladdin
[last lines]
Genie: Made you look.

TV Show: Aladdin