Ally McBeal Quotes

Ally McBeal: Maybe I'll share my life with somebody... maybe not. But the truth is, when I think back of my loneliest moments, there was usually somebody sitting there next to me.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal: Sometimes... there's no point in the truth if the only thing it will do is cause pain.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal: The idea that when people come together, they stay together. I have to take that with me when I'm going to bed at night, Even if I'm going to bed alone.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal: Men are like gum anyway - after you chew they lose their flavor.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal: Sometimes I'm more persuasive when I lack conviction.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal: Uh, let the record reflect that the deponent is a fat, arrogant, overweight, bald pig.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal: Even if I did get past all my problems, I'm just gonna get out and get new ones.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal: Remember, when you're with me, it's the only time you're not the strangest person in the room. So go ahead, get weird with me.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal: We're women. We have a double standard to live up to.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal: However much I know otherwise part of me has always felt that life has no real meaning until you get to share it with somebody. Maybe that's what I'm afraid of: my life finally taking meaning or suddenly becoming void of it.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
John: That's the trouble I suppose in coming at people with honesty, some times they counter with it.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
John: I'm not going through an odd phase, I really am odd.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
John: The world is no longer a romantic place. Some of its people still are however, and therein lies the promise. Don't let the world win, Ally McBeal.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Richard: [A judge has just denied his motion] Let the record show: dammit.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Richard: Is that the two cents? I'd be looking for change.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Richard: Objection! Your Honor, this is boring!

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Richard: Everybody's alone. It's just easier to take in a relationship.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Richard: Helping others is never more rewarding than when it's in your own self interest.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Richard: Let me tell you something. I didn't become a lawyer because I like the law; the law sucks. It's boring, but it can also be used as a weapon. You want to bankrupt somebody? Cost him everything he's worked for? Make his wife leave him, even make his kids cry? Yeah, we can do that.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Richard: "Problem" is just a bleak word for challenge.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Richard: Make enough money, and everything else will follow. Quote me. That's a Fishism.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Richard: She told her that you told her about what she told you. I'm in the middle and clueless. I feel like Elaine.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Richard: You know, I had a great aunt once who said if you stare at a beautiful woman too long, you turn to stone. She was partially right.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
[Talking to Margaret Camaro, butch lesbian sociologist]
Richard: Camaro. Isn't that a muscle car?

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Richard: Er... love without sex is er... meaningless... Senior Fishism!

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Richard: The key to successful parenting is knowing when not to.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Elaine: That was with all due respect?

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Steven Milter: The younger man are trainable. If you find him attractive, if he's smart, take him home. Take him shopping! Take him into your bosom. It's not the man who makes the man. It's the woman!

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Elaine: A lot of people forget what they're saying in a fit of rage, so I'll be happy to take the minutes.

TV Show: Ally McBeal
Elaine: Sometimes she just looks snappish.

TV Show: Ally McBeal