Angel Quote
[Like father, like daughter—Angel gets a one-two punch from the Detectives Lockley at Trevor's retirement party.]
Kate: Boy, I'm scared. And excited. And consumed with dread. And glad you're here.
Angel: I doubt even one of Little Tony's hired guns would try something in a roomful of cops.
Kate: What? Oh, that death-threat hanging overhead. No, I meant speaking in public. [starts across room toward her father]
Angel: What's that old saw? Picture your audience in their underwear?
Kate: [distractedly looks Angel up and down] Way ahead of you. [Angel catches up just as Kate stops in front of her father and kisses his cheek.] Happy retirement, Daddy.
Trevor: Who's this?
Kate: This is Angel, he's a friend. Angel, this is my father.
Angel: Hello, Mr. Lockley. [they shake] Congratulations.
Trevor: For what? All I did was live this long and not get shot.
Kate: Why do you do that?
Trevor: Do what?
Kate: Pretend important things don't matter.
Trevor: [eyes on Kate] So. Angel. [looks at Angel] How long you been seeing Katie?
Angel: We're, ahh, we're pretty new friends.
Trevor: Well, good to see her out with a man. I was starting to wonder if she didn't lean in another direction altogether.
Kate: Boy, I'm scared. And excited. And consumed with dread. And glad you're here.
Angel: I doubt even one of Little Tony's hired guns would try something in a roomful of cops.
Kate: What? Oh, that death-threat hanging overhead. No, I meant speaking in public. [starts across room toward her father]
Angel: What's that old saw? Picture your audience in their underwear?
Kate: [distractedly looks Angel up and down] Way ahead of you. [Angel catches up just as Kate stops in front of her father and kisses his cheek.] Happy retirement, Daddy.
Trevor: Who's this?
Kate: This is Angel, he's a friend. Angel, this is my father.
Angel: Hello, Mr. Lockley. [they shake] Congratulations.
Trevor: For what? All I did was live this long and not get shot.
Kate: Why do you do that?
Trevor: Do what?
Kate: Pretend important things don't matter.
Trevor: [eyes on Kate] So. Angel. [looks at Angel] How long you been seeing Katie?
Angel: We're, ahh, we're pretty new friends.
Trevor: Well, good to see her out with a man. I was starting to wonder if she didn't lean in another direction altogether.
TV Show: Angel