Angel Quote

Cordelia: Pretend to read any good books lately?
Angel: Cordelia. I thought you went home.
Cordelia: [sits] You called him 'Doyle.'
Angel: It... just happened. I hope Wesley's okay with it.
Cordelia: Oh, who cares about him. This is about Doyle. You never say his name.
Angel: I say it.
Cordelia: No, you don't. Look, you don't have to be Joe-stoic about his dying. I mean, I know that you have this unflappable vibe working for you, but you don't have to do that for me.
Angel: I'm not unflappable.
Cordelia: Great! So... flap.
Angel: [stands, walks to window, turns] ... ... I miss him.
Cordelia: [smiles] Me, too.
Angel: I've been around death before. A lot. I've lost people, I've killed people...
Cordelia: And you are dead. ...Sorry.
Angel: It shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have let it happen.
Cordelia: Angel, it wasn't your fault. It hurts.
Angel: Yeah.

TV Show: Angel


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