Angel Quote

Cordelia: Angel's back. And he has Darla with him!
[Wesley gets up and he and Cordelia walk around the counter to confront Angel and Darla.]
Cordelia: Hi. You're planning on sleeping over?
Darla: I'm dying.
Cordelia: So just for the one night then.
Wesley: Dying?
Darla: He doesn't believe it.
Wesley: Angel, what's going on?
Angel: Wolfram and Hart showed her some medical files supposedly proving that she's only got a few months left to live.
Cordelia: So maybe more than the one night.
Wesley: And you believe it's some kind of trick.
Angel: We're talking about Wolfram and Hart! Of course it's a trick. They're trying to play some kind of mind game.
Wesley: To what end?
Angel: I don't know, but we're not gonna take the bait.
Darla: No, you just don't wanna believe it, that's all.
Angel: I don't wanna believe anything from them.
Wesley: It's true. They can't really be trusted.
Darla: I don't trust them. But I know a thing or two about mind games. [To Angel] So do you. We've played them together for over a century.
Cordelia: Yes, but you were just soulless, blood-sucking demons. They're lawyers.
Angel: [to Darla] She's right. We were amateurs.

TV Show: Angel


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