Angel Quote

Darla: [singing] You're only misleading the sunshine I'm needing. Ain't that a shame? It's so hard to keep up with troubles that creep up from out of nowhere when love...
Angel: Aren't you supposed to be reading her?
Lorne: I'm a channel surfer. Look, you're a big hunk of hero sandwich. You wanna save the girl. I can see why. But you're missing the crucial point here. Things fall apart. Not everything can be put back together, no matter how much you want it.
Angel: She's not gonna die.
Lorne: Why do you care so much? She had more than most of us, already 400 plus years.
Angel: As a vampire. Before that she was... She... She never had a chance.
[Darla finishes her song to big applause.]
Lorne: Someone get my heart. That girl's ripped it right out.

TV Show: Angel


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