Angel Quote

[Darla pulls the stake out of her right palm and lets it drop as she walks towards Angel.]
Darla: You *so* want to play the good guy, don't you? Yeah. You're the good guy who did *this* to me.
[Hauls back and knocks Angel across the face, slamming him against one of the games.]
Darla: You may have the face, but you don't know the hunger! It pounds! You can't make it go away! You can't stop it!
Angel: I'll stop it!
[He hauls back and hits Darla. The two of them fight. In the end Angel manages to grab Darla by the throat and push her up against the wall.]
Darla: How could you put this in me? I hate you!
[Darla hits him again, but Angel refuses to let go of her throat.]
Darla: They breathe. They breathe and pound. I don't breathe, you idiot! You can't strangle me!
[Darla laughs.]
Angel: I'm not gonna strangle you.
[Angel pulls her away and slams her back up against the wall, pulling out another stake.]
Darla: Come on! Do it! (Angel hesitates) Do it!
[Angel slowly lowers the stake and looks down at Darla's belly. We hear a heartbeat. Angel slowly steps back from Darla. Darla lunges, grabs a hold of Angel's jacket and shakes him.]
Darla: Do it! Do it! Make it stop!
[Angel gently restrains her, wrapping her tightly in his arms and pulling her up against his chest.]
Angel: No it won't, Darla. Darla, listen to me.
Darla: Make it stop! Make it stop.
Angel: The child. The child has a heartbeat. It has a soul.
[Darla flailing wildly]
Darla: No! Not my child! No!
Angel: Our child. Our child. Our child. That's why you've been craving purer and purer blood. That's why it's been driving you out of your mind. It has a soul.
[Darla colla

TV Show: Angel


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