Angel Quote

Angel: What is it?
Wesley: It's - it's human.
Gunn: Human as is in humanoid? As in cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers?
Wesley: No - human as in - a boy.
Angel: Boy?
Wesley: A boy. A boy. You're carrying a boy.
Darla: Great.
Angel: Gonna have a son. I'm gonna have a son.
Fred: Guys. As fascinating as an ultra-sound image of an unborn child may appear...
Angel: Me. A father. To a son. You know what that means?
Fred: We're surrounded by vampires?
Angel: No, it's a human bo...
[He trails off as he looks away from the monitor for the first time and notices the vampires lining the teaching gallery above them and the back wall of the room.]
Angel: Oh. We are surrounded by vampires.

TV Show: Angel


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