Angel Quote

Wesley: Why can't you have sex?
Cordelia: Because I could lose my visionity.
Wesley: If you want to play it that way..
Cordelia: VISIONity. The visions. In Pylea the visions were supposed to pass on to Groo if we ever did the royal "com-shuk". How do I know that won't happen here?
Angel: Good point. You really don't.
Wesley: But your recent transformation could have changed all that. It might be possible...
[Angel kicks the table to interrupt]
Angel: Still, you know. Better safe than sorry. You're doing the right thing.
Cordelia: I know. I know. I can't risk it. It's just.. I'm so.. And he's such a.. Don't you think?
[Angel and Wesley start to agree reluctantly]
Cordelia: I mean there's got to be other things we could do to relieve the tension.
Angel: Jogging could be a thing.
Wesley: Or perhaps there's some form of paranormal prophylactic...
Angel: Cause you know, jogging...
Cordelia: I guess we could probably "com" without actually "shuk"ing.
Angel: Well, I don't know. That could be a slippery slope that.. Once you're on that.. That you could.. Slide..

TV Show: Angel


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