Angel Quote

[Lilah is sitting on Wesley's table, dressed up as Fred.]
Lilah, as Fred: Forget about that evil witch. Let's talk about me. I'm good, and pure, and science turns me on, and one day, if I pray hard enough and eat all my vegetables, I just might have hips!
Wesley: Are you finished?
Lilah: Did it turn you on? Watching her up there in front of all those braniacs knowing she was the smartest one in the room?
Wesley: Her theories deserve attention.
Lilah: Just her theories? I saw the way you looked at her. Oh, come on. Do you think I care about your little crush? Moon all you want of the Texas twig 'cause I know whose bed you'll be crawling into at the end of the day. Or the middle of it.
Wesley: You think you know me?
Lilah: Better than she ever will.

TV Show: Angel


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