Angel Quotes

Gunn: So that's our big plan? Just keep running?
Lorne: Oh, I hear some good things about Belize!

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: All right, f-fine. You loved her first.
Mantis Demon: Before your kind was, my kind loved her. Stood stone on stone, built the temple. Always making ready. Ohh... But she came here.
Wesley: She? Jasmine?
Mantis Demon: Eh?
Wesley: Jasmine. That's what we call her. The... superior being that—that you loved first.
Mantis Demon: Pfah! You name her. Filthy little mice! She is the devourer... the song... the peace... the whole... and you try to name her. Work to do. [walks away, then snaps his head back to Wesley] We loved her first!
[Wesley watches the demon go back to work. It crawls up the wall and grabs a torch. Wesley stares at the bloody guts that splatted in front of him.]
Wesley: And how does your kind define love?
Mantis Demon: Same as all bodies. Same as everywheres. Love is sacrifice.

TV Show: Angel
Vampire: Just drop the cliche serial killer crap and stake me already! Please!
Mantis Demon: I tear your guts all inside out. I stitch your guts every all over. Why don't you go dead?
Vampire: Why don't you go f— [the demon attacks him] Aah! Aah!

TV Show: Angel
Jasmine: It was a trial run, an early experiment to work out the bugs, so to speak. I won't make that mistake again. I know where Angel is, and I know what he's looking for. He's wasting his time.
Wesley: If you really believed that, you'd have killed us already.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: Too much trouble conquering a primitive dimension, wasn't it, Jasmine? Or whatever your name is. Must be nice for you that we have satellites to beam your message to the rest of the world.
Jasmine: You're not wrong.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: Connor, what does Jasmine eat?
Connor: What?
Wesley: The creature in the sewer. It called her the devourer. Devourer of what?
Connor: I don't know.
Wesley: Don't You? The followers she randomly chooses to come to her room. The ones she sent to meet her in the banquet hall.
Lorne: They're the banquet.
Gunn: Wait. People? She eats people?
Fred: Oh, no.
Gunn: To Serve Man. It's To Serve Man all over again.
Fred: And now she's going global.

TV Show: Angel
High Priest: What is it you think you fight for, dead thing? Valor? What you call justice? Your friends are dead. Most likely. Or so you believe. So it's not for them you fight.
Angel: I'm trying to save my world!
High Priest: Your world. A world that doesn't care for you. Doesn't want you.
Angel: It needs me!
High Priest: So your Powers That Be tell you. Maybe they're right. But it's not why you're here.
Angel: Okay, Bugsy, you wanna tell me what I'm fighting for?
High Priest: Him.
Angel: Him?
High Priest: The boy. The woman you've already lost. The boy is what you're fighting for. But you're going to fail. You're going to lose him too.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: Jasmine, it's over. You've lost.
Jasmine: I've lost? Do you have any idea what you've done?
Angel: What I had to do.
Jasmine: No. No, Angel. There are no absolutes. No right and wrong. Haven't you learned anything working for the Powers? There are only choices. I offered paradise. You chose this!
Angel: Because I could. Because that's what you took away from us. Choice.
Jasmine: And look what free will has gotten you.
Angel: Hey, I didn't say we were smart. I said it's our right. It's what makes us human.
Jasmine: But you're not human.
Angel: Working on it.
[Jasmine turns to walk away]
Angel: Where you going?
Jasmine: Leave me alone.
Angel: Sorry, but... can't do that.
Jasmine: What? You've taken everything. You're gonna try to kill me now, as if you could.
Angel: Maybe not. But I'll die before I let you hurt anyone else.
Jasmine: You're already dead!
Angel: You know what I mean. It ends right here.
Jasmine: Why do you hate me so much?
Angel: Let's run down the list, huh? Rain of fire, blotting out the sun, enslaving mankind, and, yeah, oh, yeah, hey, you eat people!
Jasmine: Like you never have?
Angel: Thousands of people are dead because of what you've done.
Jasmine: And how many will die because of you? I could've stopped it, Angel. All of it. War, disease, poverty. How many precious, beautiful lives would've been saved in a handful of years? Yes, I murdered thousands to save billions. This world is doomed to drown in its own blood now.
Angel: The price was too high, Jasmine. Our fate has to be our own, or we're nothing.
Jasmine: Like me?
Angel: Look, we've all done horrible things. All we can do

TV Show: Angel
Jasmine: Think the price was too high? You haven't begun to pay!
[She throws a station wagon over the bridge, it snaps a power line before crashing into the street and exploding. Jasmine jumps off the bridge, lands on her feet, and walks menacingly toward Angel.]
Jasmine: Maybe you're right. Maybe I can still make this world a better place. One body at a time. I loved this world. I sacrificed everything I was to be with you.
Angel: So you could rule us?
Jasmine: Because I cared. The other Powers don't. Never really did. You know that's true in your heart. Shame now I gotta rip it out.
[She reaches for Angel, but he grabs the end of the power line and electrocutes Jasmine with the live end. The electricity sends her back a few feet, but doesn't hurt her. She walks back toward Angel.]
Jasmine: I was forged in the inferno of creation, vampire. Do you really think a little electricity would destroy me?
Angel: Worth a shot.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: Go to hell.
Jasmine: You first, baby.
[Forces Angel into a kiss.]
Connor: Always the same, dad. I get a girl, you gotta make a play for her.
[Jasmine lets up on the kissing.]

TV Show: Angel
Lilah: I have been authorized to make you kids an offer.
Fred: You can't possibly think there's anything we'd want from you.
Lilah: I don't think you'll want it, but you'll take it, because this is the offer of a lifetime. [pauses] Just not, you know, mine.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: Jasmine was creating a slave state.
Lilah: Right, where the slaves are full of giggly joy and love. Ugh, what a nightmare.
Angel: She was eating people.
Lilah: They knew what they were getting into.
Lorne: Her stomach!?!

TV Show: Angel
Gunn: Couldn't have been easy for you seeing Lilah again like that.
Wesley: Oh, yes. That was awkward, wasn't it? When you decapitate a loved one, you don't expect them to come visiting.

TV Show: Angel
Preston: I had this prepared. Confidential list. Peepers only. I thought you might like to take a gander at our roster. Just a run down of some of the talent we represent here.
Lorne: Uh, no. No. No. No. I don't think you have to tell me what you represent here, young man. Evil. Pure evil in the... (stunned as he looks at the list) Huh. Which is also apparently everyone I've always wanted to meet. (laughs)

TV Show: Angel
[Lilah, reanimated due to a clause in her contract, looks on as Wesley rifles through Wolfram & Hart files.]
Lilah: What are you doing, Wesley?
Wesley: [takes a piece of paper out of the files] Standard in Perpetuity clause.
Lilah: You broke in here for my contract?
Wesley: I'm here to release you from it.
Lilah: Wesley…
Wesley: You've suffered enough! [he lights the paper on fire] I want you to find some peace.
Lilah: Gallant to the end... but I knew what I signed up for.
Wesley: It's done.
Lilah: Look in the drawer. [Wesley finds the same piece of paper in the file cabinet again, unscorched] Flames wouldn't be eternal if they actually consumed anything. But it means something that you tried.

TV Show: Angel
Connor: You might not want to move. Everyone's rigged. Can't save 'em all, dad. Don't know who's gonna be first. Could be any one of 'em. [Stands, revealing he's wired too.] Could be me. [steps away, points to an unconscious Cordelia on the floor, also wired] Could be her.
[Angel stares shocked and frozen with fear for a moment.]
Angel: have to listen to me. This is about Jasmine.
Connor: Jasmine's gone.
Angel: I know. We all felt it, that perfect love, then when you had to give it up...
Connor: I didn't feel anything! I can't feel anything. I guess I really am your son... 'cause I'm dead, too.
Angel: You're not dead. You're just starting your life and--
Connor: No, you just weren't there before!
Angel: I know. I'm so
Connor: Do not say you're sorry! Doesn't fix anything.
Angel: Ok, look, let me say this. I love you, son.
Connor: It's a lie.
Angel: It's not.
Connor: It's always a lie. My dead mother couldn't even love me.
Angel: You're wrong. She did.
Connor: No. [shakes her head] No. She knew she couldn't.
Angel: She sacrificed herself because she loved you.
Connor: You tried to love me. At least I think you did.
Angel: I still do.
Connor: But not enough to hang on, dad. (glares at Angel)You let him take me. You let him get me. You let him get me. (turns to face Cordelia) Cordy... you swore you loved me. Where are you now?
Angel: Connor... you have to believe that there are people who love you.
Connor: Jasmine believed you when you said you loved her, but it was all a lie.
Angel: Jasmine was the lie.
Connor: No! She knew if you found out who she really was that you'd turn against her, and

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: I'm still stuck back at, "Why on earth are we here?"
Fred: What, because we're crusaders against evil and now the law firm that represents most of the evil in the world has given us its LA branch to run however we want, probably in an attempt to corrupt, divide, or destroy us, and we all said yes in, like, 3 minutes?
Wesley: Your run-on sentences have gotten a lot less pointless
Fred: Oh, that's so sweet. And a tad condescending.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: (into speaker phone) Uh... can I get a cup of coffee or something?
Phone menu voice: You have reached Ritual Sacrifice. For goats press one, or say "goats."
(moments later, Angel presses another button)
Phone menu voice: To sacrifice a loved one or pet, press the pound key.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: Guess what I'm doing now? Not using my windpipe.
Spanky: Vampire.
Angel: Capital "V." And there's something else you should know about me. [picks up a paddle and knocks him across the room] I have no problem spanking men.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: Don't you think it's a bit unseemly, adding "Y"s to the end of people's names?
Gunn: Does that mean I have to call you "Wesle"?

TV Show: Angel
[Agent Hauser aims his shotgun at Angel]
Angel: You know that won't kill me.
Hauser: It'll hurt. That part's fun.
Angel: Agent Hauser, I'm honestly beginning to suspect that you're not part of the solution.
Hauser: You really think you can solve the problem? Come into Wolfram and Hart and make everything right? Turn night into glorious day? You pathetic little fairy.
Angel: I'm not little.
Hauser: That's exactly what you are. You're minuscule. A dust mote on the shelf of that great institution. Now, you think I'm just a trigger-happy jerk who follows orders, but I am something you will never be. I'm pure. I believe in evil. You and your friends, you're conflicted. You're confused. We're not. That is why you are gonna lose, because we possess the most powerful thing in the world... conviction.
Angel: There is one thing more powerful than conviction. Just one. Mercy.
[Angel kicks Hauser's gun up, causing him to pull the trigger and blow his own head off]
Wolfram and Hart agent: (Shocked) What happened to mercy?
Angel: You just saw the last of it.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: Spike!
Angel: Spike.
Harmony: Blondie Bear?

TV Show: Angel
[Spike materializes in Angel's office at Wolfram & Hart, and bends over in pain, then realizes he's facing some familiar faces and some strangers.]
Spike: What? What?
Harmony: What the hell are you doing here, Spike?
Wesley: Harmony, please.
Gunn: This is Spike? *The* Spike?
Fred: Wait a minute. Who's...
Lorne: [calmly, to Spike] Easy, slim. Easy. No one's gonna hurt you.
Gunn: Speak for yourself, Green Jeans.
Fred: OK, would somebody please tell me who...
Wesley: William the Bloody. He's a vampire. One of the worst recorded. Second only to...
Angel: Me. But you're dead.
Harmony: Well, yeah. Who here isn't? [looks around] Besides him and him and her and... [to Lorne] What are you, again?
Spike: [lunges at Angel in game-face, but goes right through him and winds up standing in Angel's desk] Bugger.

TV Show: Angel
Spike: I must be in hell.
Lorne: Er... no, L.A., but a lot of people make that mistake.

TV Show: Angel
Harmony: [to Spike] Oh, my God! You and the Slayer actually - I mean, I know you had that twisted obsession with her, but - Ugh! That's just - Ugh!

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: Did you remember a strange sensation when it released its energy?
Spike: You mean my skin and muscle burning away from the bone? Organs exploding in my chest? Eyeballs melting in their sockets? No. No memory at all thanks for asking.

TV Show: Angel
Fred: I'm also detecting brainwave activity.
Angel: On Spike? Hmm. That *is* weird.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: [to Hainsley's butler] We're - I'm from Wolfram and Hart.
Spike: I'm his date.

TV Show: Angel
Manservant: Excuse the interruption, sir. There are some more men from Wolfram and Hart asking to see you. They seem rather adamant.
Magnus Hainsley: Kill them.
Manservant: Very good, sir.

TV Show: Angel
Harmony: Just since you're all soulful now, I thought maybe, just maybe, you might've learned to open up a little. You know, talk? But I guess a leopard can't change his stripes.
Spike: Spots, you dink. Leopards have spots.
Harmony: Oh! Excuse me, Mr. Brainy. Thank you so much for sharing. Wow. What a breakthrough.

TV Show: Angel