Animal Precinct Quotes

ASPCA Supervisory Special Investigator for Humane Law Enforcement: We know that we can't save them all... but it's a great feeling at the end of the day, to know that you *have* done your best to save as many animals as you can... and I think we all sleep pretty well at night knowing that. We've done our best. We've worked hard. We love animals... and, we love getting the bad guy and that's what it's all about.

Movie: Animal Precinct
ASPCA Supervisory Special Investigator for Humane Law Enforcement: There's two things that help us get through the day - that we take the animal out of a horrible situation and hopefully into a new home, where he's happy and healthy, and the other thing is getting the bad guy. I mean, that's a great feeling, to uh, arrest somebody for doing something horrible to an animal, because it is horrible and there's no reason for it and... I will *never*, never accept somebody abusing an animal in any way. You can never give me an excuse.

Movie: Animal Precinct
ASPCA Supervisory Special Investigator for Humane Law Enforcement: [about the owner of a mistreated horse] He thinks he's a cowboy and this is the wild, wild west.

Movie: Animal Precinct
Himself - ASPCA Special Agent for Humane Law Enforcement: [to a female dog] You're the prettiest girl I've uhh... been around for a while!

Movie: Animal Precinct