Annie Hall Quotes
Alvy Singer : [ the man behind him in line is talking loudly ] What I wouldn't give for a large sock with horse manure in it!
Alvy Singer : [ to audience ] Whaddya do when you get stuck in a movie line with a guy like this behind you?
Man in Theatre Line : Wait a minute, why can't I give my opinion? It's a free country!
Alvy Singer : He can give it... do you have to give it so loud? I mean, aren't you ashamed to pontificate like that? And the funny part of it is, Marshall McLuhan, you don't know anything about Marshall McLuhan!
Man in Theatre Line : Oh, really? Well, it just so happens I teach a class at Columbia called "TV, Media and Culture." So I think my insights into Mr. McLuhan, well, have a great deal of validity!
Alvy Singer : Oh, do ya? Well, that's funny, because I happen to have Mr. McLuhan right here, so, so, yeah, just let me... [ pulls McLuhan out from behind a nearby poster ]
Alvy Singer : come over here for a second... tell him!
Marshall McLuhan : I heard what you were saying! You know nothing of my work! You mean my whole fallacy is wrong. How you got to teach a course in anything is totally amazing!
Alvy Singer : Boy, if life were only like this!
Alvy Singer : [ to audience ] Whaddya do when you get stuck in a movie line with a guy like this behind you?
Man in Theatre Line : Wait a minute, why can't I give my opinion? It's a free country!
Alvy Singer : He can give it... do you have to give it so loud? I mean, aren't you ashamed to pontificate like that? And the funny part of it is, Marshall McLuhan, you don't know anything about Marshall McLuhan!
Man in Theatre Line : Oh, really? Well, it just so happens I teach a class at Columbia called "TV, Media and Culture." So I think my insights into Mr. McLuhan, well, have a great deal of validity!
Alvy Singer : Oh, do ya? Well, that's funny, because I happen to have Mr. McLuhan right here, so, so, yeah, just let me... [ pulls McLuhan out from behind a nearby poster ]
Alvy Singer : come over here for a second... tell him!
Marshall McLuhan : I heard what you were saying! You know nothing of my work! You mean my whole fallacy is wrong. How you got to teach a course in anything is totally amazing!
Alvy Singer : Boy, if life were only like this!
Movie: Annie Hall
Alvy Singer : Sylvia Plath - interesting poetess whose tragic suicide was misinterpreted as romantic by the college girl mentality.
Movie: Annie Hall
Alvy Singer : Hey listen, gimme a kiss.
Annie Hall : Really?
Alvy Singer : Yeah, why not, because we're just gonna go home later, right, and then there's gonna be all that tension, we've never kissed before and I'll never know when to make the right move or anything. So we'll kiss now and get it over with, and then we'll go eat. We'll digest our food better.
Annie Hall : Really?
Alvy Singer : Yeah, why not, because we're just gonna go home later, right, and then there's gonna be all that tension, we've never kissed before and I'll never know when to make the right move or anything. So we'll kiss now and get it over with, and then we'll go eat. We'll digest our food better.
Movie: Annie Hall
Alvy Singer : What are you depressed about?
Annie Hall : I missed my therapy, I overslept.
Alvy Singer : How can you possibly oversleep?
Annie Hall : The alarm clock.
Alvy Singer : You know what a hostile gesture that is to me?
Annie Hall : I missed my therapy, I overslept.
Alvy Singer : How can you possibly oversleep?
Annie Hall : The alarm clock.
Alvy Singer : You know what a hostile gesture that is to me?
Movie: Annie Hall