Avengers: Infinity War Quote

Dr. Stephen Strange: Oh yeah. You're much more of a Thanos.
Thanos: I take it the Maw's dead. This day extracts a heavy toll, still he accomplished his mission.
Dr. Stephen Strange: You may regret that. He brought you face to face with the Master of the Mystic Arts.
Thanos: Where do you think he brought you?
Dr. Stephen Strange: Let me guess, your home?
Thanos: It was, and it was beautiful. Titan was like most planets. When we faced extinction, I offered a solution.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Genocide.
Thanos: They called me a mad man.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Congratulations, you're a prophet.
Thanos: I'm a survivor.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Who wants to murder trillions.
Thanos: With all six stones I can simply snap my fingers and it'll all cease to exist. I call that, mercy.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Then what?
Thanos: I finally rest, and watch the sunrise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest will.
Dr. Stephen Strange: I think you'll find our will, equal, to yours.
Thanos: Our?
Tony Stark: [Slams giant boulder into Thanos]Piece of cake Quill.
Peter Quill: Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off! [Battle begins]

Movie: Avengers: Infinity War


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