Babe - Pig in the City Quotes

Babe: [in a dark alley, just past a Beware: Savage Dogs sign] Hello? Anybody home? [dogs growling from the shadows]
Babe: Anybody else?

Movie: Babe - Pig in the City
Babe: You're very kind, but...
The Pitbull: No, no, I'm anything but kind. In fact, I have a professional obligation to be malicious.
Babe: Then you should change jobs.

Movie: Babe - Pig in the City
Babe: Open up, please. Open this door.
Zootie: You got a problem, sweetie?
Babe: Um... uh...
Bob: Who is it, honey?
Zootie: It's, uh... kind of a baldy, pinky, whitey thingy.

Movie: Babe - Pig in the City
Thelonius: This lowly, handless, deeply unattractive mudlover is a pig.

Movie: Babe - Pig in the City
Zootie: We're going outside? Without a human? Could be kind of dangerous, you know, in a lethally sort of way.

Movie: Babe - Pig in the City