Babylon 5 Quote

[Ivanova and Garibaldi survey the fleet]
Michael Garibaldi: That is a hell of a lot of ships.
Susan Ivanova: And more on the way. The captain wants the biggest fleet in history if we're gonna end this war. The way things are shaping up out there it looks like he just might get it.
Garibaldi: And then what?
Ivanova: And then what what?
Garibaldi: Well if we lose, there is no "then what", and if we win, what next? We're still renegades. I don't think there's anybody left on this side of the galactic core we haven't already honked off. We can't go home. Sometimes I don't know which scares me more, winning or losing.
Ivanova: God, I thought I was depressing.

TV Show: Babylon 5


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