Babylon 5 Quote

Byron: That's why we're here. Because we're tired of being ordered around by those who cannot hear the song. Tired of being used as canon fodder, as inquisitors, as executioners, and as bloodhounds.
Lyta Alexander: They forget we're human beings, too.
Byron: No, not human beings. Better. That's why they're afraid of us. It's all ego, you know. "What a piece of work is man. How noble in reason. How infinite in faculties. In form and moving how express and admirable. In action how like an angel. In apprehension how like a god. The beauty of the world. The paragon of animals.…" The paragon of animals. 6,000 years of brutality, murder and slavery. An animal does not do this to its own kind, but they do it to each other. And they would do it to us! Unless we stop them. Unless we find a way to help each other. Unless we care for one another.

TV Show: Babylon 5


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