Bad Girls Quote

Sylvia Hollamby: You! Tull!
Bev Tull: [turns to face Sylvia and gasps] Mrs. Hollamby, you look appalling!
Phyl Oswyn: You've swollen up like a balloon.
Sylvia Hollamby: No thanks to you. All that drink-your-own-urine nonsense. You've been having me on, admit it.
Bev Tull: I've told you all I know. I mean, I never believed it would work because I never believed in the stupid curse in the first place. But, if you want to drink your own wee four times a day...
Sylvia Hollamby: [interrupting] Four times a day?
Bev Tull: It's all to do with a regular dosage of uric acid.
Sylvia Hollamby: You never said four times. I can barely bare to choke it down once a day.
Bev Tull: Well, then don't. I mean, I'm only responsible for serving you tea and biscuits.

TV Show: Bad Girls


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