Battlestar Galactica (2003) Quote

[Colonel Tigh, Apollo, and Galactica's marines stand off against President Roslin's security team on Colonial One]
Colonel Saul Tigh: Madam President, no one needs to get hurt here.
President Laura Roslin: Then why don't you get off my ship, Colonel?
Tigh: I am placing you under arrest.
[Roslin does not move]
Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama: No... no, we're not doing this.
Tigh: I'm in command here, Captain!
Apollo: Colonel, this is wrong.
Tigh: You're relieved. Fall back! Madam President, I-
[Apollo draws his sidearm and holds it to Tigh's head]
Apollo: Men, lay down your weapons!
Tigh: Have you lost your frakkin' mind?
Apollo: Colonel, tell these marines to fall back!
Tigh: This is mutiny. You know that.
Apollo: I do and you can tell my father that I'm listening to my instincts. My instincts tell me that we cannot sacrifice democracy just because the president makes a bad decision.
Roslin: (to her security) Put your guns down.
Apollo: Madam... Madam President, stand back.
Roslin: Put your gun down, Captain. I will not have bloodshed, neither your men nor my people, on the Colonial One. Put your gun down. All of you. Please, put your gun down.
[Apollo lowers his weapon, which Tigh grabs. Two marines escort Apollo out while Tigh turns to face Roslin]
Roslin: Let's go.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)


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